The Punishment

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I was sitting in the assembly hall with all the freshers for our first day of undergoing the SOTUS system. We were waiting for our seniors to enter the hall. I made some new friends while sitting there. Lam-the silent one, Park- an extrovert , Knock and Korn the sweet lovers.

Soon all the freshers become silent and turned their head to their right. All the hazers were coming inside the hall in one line, hands back and a stern look on their face.

The head hazer stood in the middle and others were standing behind him covering the whole stage. I saw one familiar face on stage... Maybe I saw two... one of them had talked to me in the morning... What was his name? P'... what was his name? He was the brother of Beam... I remembered the name of that cute yet handsome guy who was apparently a freshman too. I saved him on my first day of uni like a hero. How could I forget him? His face with awkward smile was the only thing that was haunting my mind for the whole day. Although I saw many beautiful girls too today but his face kept coming in front of my vision involuntarily. Maybe ... No... It's too early to reach to any conclusion but for sure I had a crush on him. I don't believe in any stereotypes when it comes to love. LOVE?? It's still too early to think about it. I had many girls and boys before so I know what it feels like when you touch a girl and a boy. But... when I touched him today... I was all lost in the moment. It was as if a current passed in my body when I touched him. I wanted everything to stop at that moment. His touch reminded me of something.. Or someone. No… Can’t be... I held him for a few seconds in my arms but now I want him more... SHUT UP YOU PERVERT MIND !!!! WHAT AM I THINKING!!!! I Still remember when I turned back, this Beam was being chased because he was teasing and running after his friend like a kid.  

A smile appeared on my face when I thought about him.

I heard my Student ID number along with my name and broke the chain of my thoughts as at the same time Lam was elbowing me to look at the stage with his eyes.

"Can you tell me how many signatures of your seniors, you must get in the coming week?" Our head hazer squawked.

"Huh ?" I looked at Lam. What signatures? Seniors' signatures? One week? I don't understand at all what he was saying. he understood I wasn't paying attention. And yes I wasn't. I know I'll get punished on the first day.

He called my Student ID number and my name again and ordered. "Sit and stand 100 times." I know its my fault so I took the punishment.

I repeated my ID number, name and the punishment and started counting.

1 … 2 … 3 …


"Hey Nong !" I heard a familiar male voice calling my name when I was going back to the dorm and my friends were explaining to me that we had to take signature of 1000 engineering seniors in a week.

I turned around to see Beam's brother running towards me. I smiled at him. Oh! P'Pete! I remembered his name now. The chain of thought which started in my mind during gathering was because I wasn't remembering his name and lead me to think of Beam and smile and punishment... And now I suddenly remembered his name! Wow! Great Forth!

"What were you doing during the gathering? What were you smiling at?" He asked.

Now, how could I tell him that I was thinking about his younger brother?

"Oh P' nothing!" I think I blushed.

I saw an angry face coming towards us. He was the same guy who dragged P'Pete in the morning when I was telling P'Pete about myself.

"Can we go? I'm hungry." The guy said in a tone which clearly said he was annoyed.

"Yeah. But wait let me introduce you two." P'Pete said. "Nong, he's Kao.”

“Pete’s boyfriend.” P'Kao said.

“Yeah. And Kao you know him. Remember he saved Beam's life today?"

"Yeah. I know. Nong Forth. He got punishment from Kongpob in the gathering." P'Kao said and smirked.

Why is P'Kao being mean to me? What have I done wrong to you P'Kao? I wanted to say it aloud but I couldn't.

"Let's go Kao!" P'Pete said.


Pete's POV

Man! How can I stop my boyfriend to get jealous. He's sulking again. Maybe I should talk to him now and later I will treat him with his favorite dessert.

"Kao! What are you sulking again?"

"You should ask this to someone else not me!"

"Forth just saved Beam's life today and I felt like talking to him."

"Why was he blushing when you were talking then? His blush clearly showed you might be teasing him. You don't even know him yet."

" Kao! I just asked him why he was smiling during gathering?"

"And he was staring at you too during the starting of the gathering."

"SO, my cute boyfriend is jealous again?"

"Who's cute here?" Did Kao just blushed?

"I said my Boyfriend" It's really fun to tease Kao.

"I can see your red cheeks even if you're trying to hide it by looking outside.Kao." With this I earned a smack on my head.

“Bad boyfriend gonna get 'Punishment’ today for hitting on his boyfriend's head!” I grinned and his face become red from cheeks to ears and the redness reached his neck too.


We are sitting in his favorite place and he's eating the dessert. I think I should say it now.

"Kao. You know, you should stop getting angry and sulking."

"I can't help it."

"But you should at least try to control it."

"I'll try."

Finally the sweetness of dessert is enchanting him.

"But you should try to stop spreading the magic of your charm."

Here he's again. Now he's making me blush.

"Pete! Where's Beam? He came with us in the morning and now we forgot about him."

"Beam! How could I forget about him!!!! Where could be him now?"

"Stop getting panic. Call him. He might have went with his friend. You told me his school friends are studying medicine with him, right???"

I called Beam as I didn't get his message.

"Hello P'." I heard Beams cheerful voice. How could I tell how relieved I was to listen to his voice. I sighed in relief and looked at Kao. He asked if Beam is safe through his eyebrows and I nodded.

"Are you home Beam?"

"Yes P'."

"Why didn't you drop any messages or called me before leaving the campus. I was worried about you Beam."

"P', my phone's battery was dead. And I reached home before 15 minutes."

"You can have dinner with Mae and Por. Tell them I just had my dinner."

"With P'Kao P'?"


“Just dinner or him as dinner P’?”

“I'm gonna smack your head so hard the moment I'll see you, Brat.”

“I'll tell Mae that you're not coming home today because of ... Which dinner Phi???”

“Get ready for a kick too, Brat!” I said and I cut the phone.

My brother is not as innocent as I think. He's grown and knows how to tease his P'.



Yes!!! Beam is a little devil in disguise of cute angel !!! Hehehe !!!

Moons And Hazers [Completed]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora