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Eleena's pov:-

I opened my eyes slowly, trying to take a look of my surrounding. I tried to push my self up but i was still feeling numb plus...i was tied.

Wait. Tied?
What the heck?

My thoughts swiftly drifted back and i realized that i was attacked by some masked man.
Oh my god...
I tried to move, but it was hopeless.

Frigging hell!

"hello???hellooo??" i shouted.

No reply.

I tried once more, "HELLLO? Anybody there?"

To that, i heard deliberate slow steps.

"whose there???who the hell are you??just come forward already you coward---"

"now, that isn't the nice way to talk to your dear uncle sweetie?"

My eyes widened and i gulped loudly, what i was seeing in fromt of my eyes, i just could not process.

"u..uncle neil?" i asked in disbelief.

"yes. Uncle neil." He said with a wicked smile.

"you're the one who kidnapped me?" i asked breathlessly.

"Aye, yes my dear, one and only." He grinned menacingly.

"Was... Was it you the wh- whole t-time? The one who attacked me and d-darian, that almost got him k-killed?" I hated how i was stuttering but i was too overwhelmed to process any thing in my mind.

"it wasn't meant for him. My stupid son. He got in the was for you." He hissed at me.

"f..for" i asked breathlessly.

"ahh...certainly." There it was again that smile, that was making me feel disgust deep down to the core.

I couldn't believe. This man has been in my life like forever..and he set this whole thing up.

Why? The only question ringing in my mind.

Stupid, stupid me, for property..
Of course!

"for money? Property?" i asked and held back the agonising pain that was building up inside my chest.


"i can't believe this...out of all the people in this world it was you who was after this, after money, could you?" I choked out the words from my mouth.

"i really don't need to explain you sweetie but if you are so interested then let me say, yes it was me. Because it was all mine! I am taking back what is mine, nothing more, nothing less" i was stunned at his bitter tone, as if there was more to reveal he continued, "it was me from the beginning who actually helped your pathetic father at his every stage, he was meant to have the money on the loan but then because of this stupid debt, whole money eventually went to him. what did i get in the end, a partnership?A bloody hell mere partnership! it was my idea, my effort and in the end who got all the credit, your father and you. I have waited for so long, it already took me quite long to let him live and watching you all enjoying the money that was mine. but now, i don't have any threats after i'll kill you of course. There will be no one to rule over my company, my money. Just me" He said with a content grin and started taking steps towards me.

I sat in complete shock. not just money..but my parents.

He killed my parents.
His childhood best friend. The one who has always been there for him.

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