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Eleena’s pov:-

Present time:-

I opened my eyes and found myself in a room, it took me few seconds to realize that it’s our hotel room. How did i get here? I reminded myself the events that happened...we were playing at the island, then darian singing for me, i ran out of there, he calling me ell...and me slapping him taking out my rage that i kept for so long on him..

God...i can’t believe i did that. Long time ago i decided that i’ll never ever say a word to him, i’ll ignore him for the eternity and last night....then it hit me, it’s morning time. i checked time it reads 11.45 am  ..woah! long night.

“you’re up” darian said walking back into the room. When i didn’t say anything he continued, “i brought you breakfast, you’re favourate brownies and coffee and--- ”

“okay now what’s going on??” i asked raising my brows, ignoring all  other thoughts that were running inside my head.

“nothing is going on, i just brought you breakfast, aren’t you hungry? You haven’t eating anything since yesterday.” He finished and i saw few emotions that  i couldn’t name but i was sure i have never seen these emotions before.

It’s better if i just ignore him like he has done all these past years, that will be the best way to not make things awkward. I thought to myself and took the breakfast that he had set in a tray from his hands.

For once i thought to ask that had he done breakfast but i didn’t want to show him any kind of affection plus what he does, eats or not isn’t my concerned.

But he went out for me and brought it i should at least show the courtesy to ask him after all it’s his money that i am in this comfort eating and resting.

“aren’t you going to have it?” i finally asked not looking up at him.

“uh no..i had my morning tea, i am not really hungry.” His answer made me look up and i saw a glint of smile at the corner of his lips.

“what are you smiling for?” i couldn’t help but ask.

“n..nothing..” he stuttered rubbing the back of his neck.

Conversation over i guess.

I started eating my breakfast again ignoring the thought of conversating more.

Darian walked into the washroom and i heard the shower on. It’s going to be a long day i guess.

I was done with breakfast and now roaming in room to think what to do. It’s been 10 minutes and darian was still in shower.

“can you hurry? i need a shower too.” I yelled from behind the door.

I didn’t hear his answer so giving up, i slummped my feet on the floor and walk to  sat on the couch and turned the tv on. I was searching channels when i heard a knock at the door.

“yes?” i asked opening the door.

“hello buttercup and a good morning.” i saw landon smiling widely at me.

“ did you find our room?” i exclaimed in a surprise.

“nice to see you too girl.” He said putting his hand over his chest faking he’s hurt by my answer.

“oh shut up landon, and good morning” i said smiling cheer fully.

“that’s better” he said showing his white bright teeths.

“where is mr.grumpy head?” he continued with a laugh.

“ shower..” i said looking down. I didn’t want him to ask further questions about him so i changed the subject. “ what brings you here?”

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