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Eleena's pov:-

"Wake up, wake up sleepy head....." i knew it was darian who hated me so much that he wont even let me sleep properly.

"go away....i want to sleep." i said shrugging and pulling the blanket back.

"if you don't remember we have a reservation for lunch and its already 11 am. Wakeuppppppp." He practically yelled.

"don't yell at me. I'll tell uncle neil that how rude of a husband you are." I threatened him.

"yeah little school girl, you can gladly complained to the head teacher when we get back, but here its just you and me so listen to me otherwise i wont be held responsible for the... Consequences."

I gulped down at his threat but i can't let him win so i said, "oh yeah? As if i am afraid of you." I tried to look cool and confident.

"yeah? Don't say i didn't warn." He sheepishly pulled the blanket off me and started tickling.

"hahah--- ha-stop—dari—hhaha—sssttopp.."

"i warned you baby girl...."

"ha—ha ok—ohh—kk.." he finally stopped as i agreed.

Phuff...evil demon....

I took the advantage of the moment and pushed him with my leg, he fell off the bed on his back. That's what he get for tickling me so hard.

"what the hell....eleena, no one can save you now...." he threatened again, i took the chance as he was about to get up and run on the other side of the bed.....trying to find a way to my escape. "if you tickle me once again i will seriously complain to uncle and he'll kick your ass nicely."

"yeah yeah baby girl's threat are weak..." he seemed to enjoy it. Sheepishly grinning he charged towards me.

I run as i quickly as i could towards the washroom so i could be saved but clumsy me, i stumbled on my feet and darian clutched my hand we both fell on the ground.
Me on top of him. We were laughing loudly...smiling and laughing at our cat and mouse chase.
right this moment we were just like we used to be back in the time and with that my smile laughter died...

darian seemed to notice that.

He jerked his hands away that were resting on my waist and we sobered up in normal position. i walked in to the bathroom to take a quick shower and to get ready for the lunch.


"hello, darian horrain, we had reservation for the lunch." Darian greeted the manager.

"oh yes sir, table number 3 for you. It's a great view of the resort from there. Your waiter will be there by the table please don't hesitate and suit yourself with whatever you want."

He shook his hand and smiled at him. We were on our table and placed our orders. Darian didn't really ask for my choice, as I didn't have special choices. He orders two steaks,
Russian salad(that i really love. the pasta were my favorite element in it) and bourbon chicken.

We just stayed silent waiting for our orders. Darian was more on his phone. And i was roaming my eyes all around, adoring the view. It was beautiful. The waiter after awhile brought our lunch. As i started eating the was so delicious that i actually moaned at the taste that didn't seemed to go unnoticed by darian and he raised one eye brow like he was actually enjoying this.

"whatt?" i snapped.

"you're moaning over chicken?" he asked with a mischievous smile.

"so what? Just enjoy your meal and don't stare at me like that. It's rude to watch someone while they are eating." I retort.

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