Twice Upon A Time: Chapter 14

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Aurora's POV

The party was in full swing. Everyone from the kingdom was there, it was so much fun. I am glad that my family is here because I have always wanted them to go to a ball. I used to talk about them when I came back from being gone. Camden and I were dancing together enjoying ourselves.

"Can I steal her for a moment, dearie?" Rumple asked Cam.

Camden moved. "Of course"

Camden walked over to my parents to talk to them. Rumple and I danced for a moment before he opened his damn mouth.

"So" He looked at me "Are you ready?"

I sighed. "I don't even know how to really control my powers but yeah I guess I am ready"

He pulled me closer. "Just follow what you feel and you should do fine"

"Okay," I told him. pulled away, bowed and walked off. Phillip came over next and bowed. I curtsied and he took my hand and pulled me close. "Well, this is nice,"

"Oh shut up" he laughed. "So engaged congrats"

"Thank you" I smiled. "So what is next for you and Rose, maybe a baby perhaps."

He smiled and looked down "Yeah, we were trying for one but when everything happened we decided to wait."

"Well, congratulations when that happens" I hugged him "Now go to your wife"

"Aye Aye" He pulled away and walked over to Rose. I was about to walk over to Camden and my parents but Jack pulled me in and we started to dance.

"Hey, Jack" I smiled at him. "So you and Sophia?"

He smiled. "Yeah, it kind of happened. But I like her, a lot"

"That is great" I patted his back "Have you thought about what to do when this is done?"

He shrugged. "I know that we have been talking about her staying. She likes it here, said it is a lifestyle she could use to."

"What about you going with us?" I asked him. "I mean you could come and I could give you a job"

"Maybe" He looked at me. "I wouldn't hate that"

"Think about it" I hugged him and then pulled away.

I walked over to Molly and Alice who were talking up a storm, it was nice to see her so happy. I know that when Hunter is gone in Iraq she is always worried about him or the call she is going to get. I wasn't going to interrupt them so I walked over to Art and Henna who were just watching everyone dance.

"We need to take lessons," Henna told art "I mean we don't do thins at home but it is still very cool to know."

"Hey," Art looked at me. "So are you ready for this fight?"

"Art" Henna yelled at him "Don't ask her that she is probably scared"

"Thank you" I looked at Henna "I am scared but I know that I need to do this"

"Of course" Henna pulled me into a hug. "By the way let me see that ring" She took my hand after the hug. "Girl your family has good taste that is beautiful"

"Thank you" I blushed.

We stood there and talked about my new book, Art's recent promotion, and how Henna wanted to start trying for a family and how they didn't know if they were ready for it yet. Camden came over and we all talked. It was nice to have this time with everyone and feel so happy.

"Can you come over here dear" My mom stepped everything and called Camden and I over. We walked over to my parents., Rose and Phillip were standing with them. "We would like to introduce everyone to our future son in law"

Camden shyly waved at everyone, it was very cute. "I am so happy that everyone is here" My father added "We are so happy that we can be together at this time and be a big happy family"

We all waved and smiled. Then out of nowhere, it was like the sky went black and it got very windy. A large smoke creature descended down from the black sky. I got right in my face and made this loud screeching sound.

"NOW" I hear Rumple yell.

Rumple and Maleficent sent these gold chains that were made of magic through the sky and right towards this beast. It screeched even louder and hurled its body back and forth. I had my parents get everyone out of the room, I wanted my friends to go but they refused to go they wanted to stay with me.

"WHAT DO I DO?" I yelled to Rumple and Alice.

"HIT IT WITH YOUR LIGHT" Alice yelled at me "HARD"

I closed my eyes and thought about what would happen if it hurt my friends. I opened my eyes and my hands had this white light on them. I looked at the smoke monster and pointed them at it blasting it with all the magic that I had. IT screamed louder but nothing much else happened.

"WHAT NOW" I looked at them. "IT'S NOT WORKING" They just looked at me not knowing what I was to do next. "COME ON PLEASE"

I was just screaming. I didn't know what they needed me to do and they didn't seem to know what they wanted me to do either.

"TAKE MY HAND" Molly yelled at me.

I looked at her like she was crazy "WHY"

"DO YOU TRUST ME?" She asked.

I didn't have to even think about that. "OF COURSE I DO"

"THAN TAKE IT" She still had her hand out.

I grabbed it and held on. I could feel my magic getting stronger and stronger. Jaylen took Molly's other hand and it kept getting stronger. Henna noticed what was going on and grabbed on to Jaylyn. The boys grabbed on as well. I got stronger and stronger.

"I GOT IT" I walked closer and closer to the monster with my light magic hitting it. "LOVE TRUMPS ALL" I yelled at Rumple and Maleficent.

I knew what I needed to do. I closed my eyes again and thought about everything that I loved, my job, my life, both of my families, my friends, and Camden. I opened my eyes, pushed my arm closer to it and the biggest beam of light shot out. The monster was sent flying back and with it, a bunch of dark spiracles shaped black clouds. When each other them landed a person came popped out and just stood there looking at everyone.

We all let go of the hands of each other and looked at Rumple and Maleficent. None of us knew what was going on, it looked like the monster hadn't killed them just kidnapped them.

There was a groin where the monster landed. Everyone ran away from it and was taken out of the room by Alice and Maleficent.

I started to walk closer "Be careful honey," Camden said to me, It is cute that he still worries about me even though I have the magical powers.

"Trust me I will" I walked closer and closer. The monster got up and the darkness that once covered it was dripping off of it. It stood up and I was shocked.

"What the hell" Alice came over by me looking at what was in front of us.

The monster looked up and straight into my eyes like it was scared of me. "Will you help me?" 

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