Twice Upon A Time: Chapter 6

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Aurora's POV

I looked at Jack. He and I became friends when I came back to the Enchanted Forest after they all left and I had to stay here. He helped me try to figure a way to get back to them. We spent a year walking around the forest trying to find Maleficent. He also happens to be Rose's older brother.

"Where is Rose" I smiled at him.

He smiled right back at me, it was like no time had passed since the last time I had seen him. "She is right behind me went a little farther ahead to make sure that we had a clear path." He looked at his situation "Is there any way you can put me down"

"Ummm" I looked at him, I don't even know how I did this in the first place. "Let me see"

I thought for a moment. Okay, I was scared when he came towards me so I was thinking about catching him. So know that I feel safe he can come down right.

I looked up and saw him coming down. He dusted off his pants and hugged me. I hugged him back, he is the only friend that I have here. When I came home I was a queen, no one wanted to talk to me because they were a little scared of me. Since I was new and I had been to the real world. When Phillip met Rose he took me with him and I met Jack. We started to hang out while Phillip was with Rose. He would help me try to figure out a way to get home and I was helping him learn to read.

"Thank you, Briar," He said pulling away. He always called me Briar ever since I told him my life story. He said that it was his way of having one thing that was ours.

"Any time Jack" I smiled at him.

"A" I could hear Molly, Jay, Hunter, and Camden all yell for me. "Where are you?"

They all walked down to where Jack and I were standing. They looked at the two of us standing there next to each other. I had never told anyone about Jack. My life is an open book, literally, but my memories of Jack were mine. They were a moment I could hold on to when I had nothing else in my life to look at for clarity.

"Hello" Molly finally said something to us. "A who is this?"

"Um," I looked them "This is...."

"Jack" He introduced himself "I am Rose's older brother"

"Oh, Phillip's wife" Hunter shook his hand. "I am Hunter"

"What do you hunt?" He asked him.

I started to laugh a little bit. Hunter looked at him and rolled his eyes "I am not a hunter it is just my name"

Jack looked at me laughing and started to laugh back "I know who you all are. Briar told me all about every single one of her friends back home"

"Briar" Camden looked at the two of us. "He has a nickname for you?"

"Yeah, so what" I gave him a tad bit of attitude. "Jack and I are friends which is more than I can say we are"

"Fine" He stormed off Molly went after him.

"That's Camden I take it," Jack asked me, "I thought we were in love?"

Hunter and Jaylyn looked at each other "It's a long story" Jay told him "So Jack tell me about your and Briar's friendship" She went over and took his arm walking him towards the castle.

It was just Hunter and I left. He walked over, put his around my shoulders and we started to walk back to the castle. It was just quiet at first, I don't think either of us knew what to say to each other.

"You know he still loves you?" Hunter looked at me.

I stopped walking and pulled away from Hunter. "He doesn't, he brought his annoying ass girlfriend.'

Hunter laughed and sat down on a large rock. "He brought her because he had to. It was the only way that he could have come with work. He didn't want to bring her, he was going to break up with her."

"You are lying" I yelled at him pacing back and forth "Even if he was going to break up with her doesn't mean that I was going to be with him. He broke my heart after I came back to be with him and all of you"

"I know he broke your heart trust me I know how bad he felt about that. He called me after you found him and that girl. I talked to him for hours. He was a mess, he just kept saying how he messed up the best thing in his life for some stupid sex."

"Why did he dump me then. I never could figure that out. I mean I wanted to stay with him, I was willing to work on our relationship and build up our trust again." I told him, I just wanted an answer finally after all these years.

Hunter sighed. "Don't hate me but I told Camden to break up with you"

"WHAT" I yelled my anger was so bad that I slapped him. I didn't think that it was hard but he went flying and went down hard.

"HUNTER" I yelled. Everyone must have heard me because a moment later everyone was running towards our location. I ran over to him. "Hunter, Hunter answer me"

"HUNTER" Molly ran over to us, Camden was behind her. "What happened" She yelled at me.

I was just so flustered that I just kept on stuttering. "I just slapped him that is all"

"How hard" Rumple jumped in "Any other weird things?"

Jack came over "She tied me up with invisible rope"

Rumple laughed and clapped his hands. "Your magic is working"

"Well can't you fix him" Molly yelled at Rumple.

He looked at me "Aurora can do it"

"ME" I looked at him "No way"

"I will walk you through it," Rumple said. He took my hand and placed it over Hunter's head where he hit the ground the hardest. "Now think about healing, and wellness, think about love, and how you feel when you are better after getting hurt"

I closed my eyes and thought. I thought about when Hunter told me that he was hurt in Iraq, he was shot through and through. He old me thought that the kid who shot him just had hate in his heart. But hate never wins, hate can always be beaten by love and acceptance.

"What is this going to...." Molly started looking at Rumple.

"Owww" Hunter started to get up. "What happened?"

"Hunter" I hugged him "You are okay"

"I know" He laughed.

"Don't," Molly said "Trust me it will hurt"

"What will" He stood up and looked at everyone "I am fine, plus I deserved that"

"What" Henna lifted up his shirt looking for cuts or scrapes, even a small bruise but there was nothing. "Wow, Bro when did you get ripped"

"Oh shut it" He pulled his shirt down.

Everyone looked at me. I really just healed him. "Did I really just do that"

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