Twice Upon A Time: Chapter 5

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Hunter's POV

We waited a while until Aurora and Camden came back. They stood away from each other, something happened between them and I was going to find out what happened.

"Welcome back" He smirked at them. "So are we ready to go?"

"What now" Aurora looked at him. "You expect me to go back home to use magic when I don't even know what I am supposed to do?"

Molly patted her back "I bet Rumple will help you out"

She gave Molly a look and shrugged. "Okay let's go," I said.

We all followed Mr. Gold to the back of the store. There was just a bunch of old relics that looked like they had come from the Enchanted forest. He took out a bean that looked exactly like that one we had all seen years ago from Phillip. He put the bean down and stepped on it. A portal opened us and we all stepped through it. Molly and I waited to be the last ones just to make sure that everyone went in.

"What is this" We heard Sophia yell to Camden.

He just pushed her into the portal and looked at us "Sorry about her"

We jumped in after them. We landed in the middle of Rumple's old castle. I turned to see Molly in her yellow dress standing there, I forgot that we didn't need clothes all of our outfits change themselves when we come in. She looked at me and start to laugh. I looked down at my armor and smirked.

"Why are you laughing I look great" I mocked her

She just kept laughing "I know that is why I am laughing because this you have better fashion than real you"

"Oh shut up," I said turning away from her.

Henna spun around in her red dress "If this was socially acceptable back home trust me I would be dressed like this every day"

"Well you look beautiful" Art kissed her

She looked at him and winked "We should get one of these for home"

"Oh stop you pervs" Kolt yelled jokingly at them "Plus Jaylyn and I are definitely the best-looking couple here" Jaylyn looked down at her green floral dress. 

"What am I wearing" Sophia started to freak out some more, looking at her purple gown. "Cam baby where are we"

Camden was getting frustrated with her everyone could tell "Just shut up" He yelled. "We are in a magical land called The Enchanted Forest, okay so chill out"

Aurora walked over to her and took her hand and stood in front of her. She was in this beautiful pink gown. "Do you know who I am?" Sophia nodded answering her "Well everything in my book is the truth, I was born a princess here and was sent to the real world. This is my homeland"

Sophia just looked at her not knowing what to do or how to answer. She finally looked at her "Why are you wearing pink?"

We all looked at each other and laughed. "That is a great question though" Phillip laughed.

"That because I wore both pink and blue here, so every time I come back it switches the color of the dress, When I left I was wearing pink, when I came back it was blue and now that I am back it is pink again," Aurora explained to us. "I don't know how everyone else's colors got chosen but the forest seemed to have given you a purple wardrobe"

"Now that, this is all settled can we go now" was trying to hurry everyone. He was back in his true form again and still as scary as ever.

"Rose should be here soon," Phillip said. "She is bringing weapons and horses, with other things that we might be needing on our journey."

"Well, then we wait," I said sitting down.

Aurora's POV

I sat there next to my girls, of course not Sophia because A I barely know here and B she is with my ex who I am still madly in love with. They were all gossiping about how the boys look, and when Camden is going to stab Sophia who, mind you, is still whining about being here.

"So what happened earlier?" Jay asked me "You ran off, Camden ran off, it took a while for both of you to come back."

"Yeah" Henna looked at me "And then you both stood away from each other like you were trying to not draw attention to yourselves."

"I don't know what you are talking about" I tried to push them off of the subject. "How hot are the guys in their outfits"

"They kissed" We all turned around to find Rumple there standing over us "It was very steamy."

"Oh shut up" I groaned "How would you know anyway"

"Magic my dearie," He said with his usual flair.

'"Magic" Jay looked at him "But we were in the real world"

"I know" He smirked "And Storybrooke is the only place in the real world with magic"

"Of course it is" I huffed. "I am going for a walk I will be right back"

I got up and walked outside of the castle. I got not even a few feet away when I could hear someone following me. At first, I thought it might have been me being paranoid but I soon realized that there was someone. I stopped walking and turned around.

"Show yourself" I yelled at the person but nothing happened. I yelled one more time "I said show yourself" Then all of the sudden there was someone in front of me and it looked like they were tied up by an invisible rope for something of the same nature.

"Put me down witch" The person yelled "I will end you"

"Jack?" I said. I walked around to the front and looked at him "It's really you"

"Aurora" He smiled. "You are back"

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