Chapter 3

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Molly's POV
I was sitting in my room just looking a the ceiling. The past couple of months have been like hell for me. And now I am supposed to go back to school as if nothing ever happen. But I don't know if I can do that. If I can go back to normal life.

"Molls lets go" My mom called from downstairs.

"Coming" I finally got out of bed and trudged down the stairs like I was going to my doom but really it was just school. "I am here so let's go"

"Ok" She grabbed her purse and we walked out to the car.

I know what school is going to be like. All my peers are going to look at me with sadness and loss. I sat in the car and looked at the road that my sister killed her self about 2 months ago. She had just found out she was pregnant and had told her boyfriend. He told her that he would rather kill himself than have the child. That night she left a note and ran her car into a tree, killing her self instantly. After that, I withdrew from school and became a loner. I didn't want to be with the others who made my sister kill herself. I looked out the window at the tree that she ran into.

"Mom stop" I yelled at her.

"Honey we can't stop every time," She said looking at the road.

I swerved the car. "There is a girl"

"What" She stopped the car and we got out of the car. "She looks beaten. Help me"

"I am coming"

I got out of the car and helped mom with this teen girl. We put her in the car and drove to the hospital. My mom called my dad on the way. They work as a team when it comes to these types of things. My mom is a social worker and my father is a Family Lawyer. When we got to the hospital the nurses took her to check her out while my mother was on the phone with her home office and dad was on the phone with a judge. I sat there just looking at the same place I was at when my sister passed on.

"Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer" The doctor came out. "The girl is okay she has some minor cuts and bruises does she have any family?"

"We don't think so," My mother said "We don't know her name"

"The judge has ordered her into a foster home," My father said.

"No" I looked at them "Can she please come home with us"

"Beauty" My dad came over and hugged me "We can't take her home"

"Why," I asked them "You brought me home when I was 2 you can bring her home. Please" I was begging them "I need someone to be there with me"

They looked at each other. My mom then looked at me and pulled me in "Ok we will do it"

"Thank you mom" I couldn't help but smile. I feel like this is what Alice sent me so that I can move on "Can we go see her"

The doctor and my parents laughed "I feel like we just had a baby" My father said.

We followed the doctor into the room where she was laying. She was sleeping so peacefully with her long blonde hair and her beautiful blue eyes. She reminded me of someone in a fairy tale. My mother was on the phone with her boss and my father was talking to the doctor about what she needed. I was just staring at her.

"What" she woke up and looked at me "Who are you?"

"Molly" I took her hand "Who are you?"

"I am Aurora," She told me "Where am I?"

"In the hospital, my family found you on the side of the road," I told her "Do you have a family?"

She shook her head "I don't have anyone, anymore"

"What happened to them?" I asked her

"They were killed by a monster," She said. "I was taken from them and placed in a home but other than that I don't remember anything"

"Well you are here now," I told her "And you are coming home with my family"

"What" She questioned "You all don't have to take me in"

"We want to" My mother came in and sat on her bed "I found your file and we are transferring you into our home and to Molly's school."

"Thanks" She smiled.

The doctors released her and we all went home. When we got there mom was on the phone with the decorator to do over Alice's room for Aurora. But until it was done she was going to be sleeping in my room. My dad went to school to enroll her.

"So I was thinking that we could go shopping" My mother suggested.

"What should I wear to go," Aurora asked.

I looked at her size "She is the same size as Alice was"

"She can wear something of hers," Mom said "Follow me"

We walked into Alice's room like we used to do but this time we were going in with someone else. Aurora looked around at everything. "Who is Alice?"

"She was my daughter," Mom told her "She is gone now"

"I am sorry" Aurora looked at both of us. "I don't have to wear anything of her's"

"No go ahead," I told her "She would love that someone would like her fashion"

"Thanks" She walked into the closet to change.

My mom and I just sat there looking at everything "It's going to be weird having someone else living in her room" I told mom. She nodded in agreement.

"I know but we need a change" She picked up a picture frame that had the is in. Aurora looks a little like Alice in my opinion. "She would love her, they just seem so much alike"

"I know" I chuckled "I think that Alice sent her to us"

"Who knows" Mom smiled "Maybe it's her gift to us."

"I am ready" Aurora walked out in a that Alice would have never put together.

My mother looked at her and smiled. "So are we"

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