Twice Upon A Time: Chapter 11

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Sophia's POV

This is the weirdest thing in the world. I am not understanding why I am here and when is going on. I have been going along with everything but it doesn't mean that I am okay with it. I know what is going on with Aurora and Camden. It seems that everyone thinks that I am stupid and don't see it. I know that he is going to break up with me after this is all done. I heard them talking in the other room. I walked into the ballroom and looked around, the only person in there was Jack. I don't know much about him or those other 2 that are always by him. I walked over so I didn't look stupid standing alone.

"Sophia right?" He asked me "So how are you doing?"

I shrugged "Okay I guess. I mean I have no idea what is going on and if this is real but I am here."

He laughed. "This is real" he patted my shoulder "Trust me, I don't even know what is really going on"

"So what do you do here?" I asked him. Might as well get to know someone else. "Are you like a prince or something?"

He shook his head and laughed again. "No, my sister is a queen but I am just a knight in their army. What do you do back home?"

I sighed. "I am kind of like a knight. I am an FBI Agent. I help people when they did it and solve crimes."

He nodded "That is never neat"

We stood there and talked for a while before everyone entered. After a while, I kind of forgot that everyone else was there. This Rumplestilskin appeared along with this Maleficent person. They both stood there and wait for us to look at them. When we all stopped laughing we turned to them.

"Okay," Rumple started "So we are going back to The Enchanted Forest."

"Raven" She held up her staff with a raven sitting on the top of it. This is getting weirder every day. "Told me that there was a sighting of the beast there. It's going after your parents" She looked at Aurora. I forgot that since she was born here that her real parents are here.

"Not my parents," she told everyone. You can see the anger in her. That she didn't want to be associated with them. There must be a story around that. "I don't know them"

"Still," Rose said "We need to help them"

"Oh yes," She stuttered. "Let's go"

"To leave we can transport out of here," Rumple said. "We need to get together in a group"

We all gathered together in a huddle. He raised his arms and created this large puff of smoke. It filled the room and we all started to move. This is the weirdest shit I have ever been in. I love Camden but I don't think I could even make it work after this. Even though I know that he is going to dump me after the fact that he is so okay with this just blows my mind and I am done.

When I looked around after a while we were in the middle of a castle ballroom. When the smoke cleared there were guards all around us.

"Surrender" One of them yelled. I looked at those two magic people hoping that they would do something but they just stood there.

"HALT" A voice came and everyone stopped moving. Including us, it was like we were frozen but could still see and hear but couldn't move. "Sorry," she said and we all unfroze.

"Well hello there" Two older adults came into the room. The Women in a huge ballgown and the man in this medieval king's outfit. "Welcome home"

"Hi" Aurora stepped up "Mom and dad"

Aurora's POV

"Hi" I stepped up and looked at them "Mom and dad"

"What are you doing back?" My Mom walked up to us.

She was not happy. When I left we were not on good terms. I was mad that they were making me stay married to Phillip even though there was no love between us. They were mad at me because I wanted to go back to the real world and leave them behind. They never understood that I would never belong here, because of everything that I had been through back home.

"You are in danger" Phillip and Rose walked up. My parents loved Rose and even took her in before I left. I think that they knew that She and Phillip were going to be an item. "You came to help you"

"Yeah" I walked over with them "This demon is after you"

My dad rolled his eyes "We don't need you here" He looked at everyone that had come with me "Just go back to your home" He said in such a condescending tone.

He took my mom's hand, turned around and started to walk away. I was just so mad, they never seemed to care about me at all. Not when I was born, not when they shipped me off and not when I came back. I was getting so mad that I just lost it.

"STOP" I screamed. It sent this huge wind stream to them, that turned them around and brought them back to me. They stood right in front of me. "You two never cared about me. You just cared about yourself and your kingdom. When I became a problem as a baby you shipped me off to live with some incompetent fairies. Then you forced me to return to marry a man I won't have even known just for the sake of your precious kingdom. Then when I returned after being cursed because of something you did" I pointed at my dad "You forced me to marry that said man after being home for only one day and right in front of the only man I have ever loved."

"Calm down now" He yelled at me.

"YOU CALM DOWN" I yelled back. He went flying into the guards. They help him up and he was stunned. "Yes I have magic powers deal with it"

He walked back over to my mother. She was just as scared as my father was. Camden walked over and put his hand on my shoulder. "Relax, you are okay"

I took a deep breath and relaxed. "I don't care about you two and I might never will but..." I took a deep breath. "But I will do everything in my power to save you" 

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