Twice Upon A Time: Chapter 10

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Aurora's POV

We all went back to our rooms to get ready. Alice had the cards leave clothes in our rooms to change into. I had to share a room with Sophia. That was interesting, the entire night she just questioned me about my relationship with Camden and talked about how much they loved each other. By the end of the night, I wanted to rip her lips off and staple my ears shut.

These are so cute. They were almost warrior outfits, a lot easier to fight in I can say. After we changed I walked out of the room to let her be. Mostly because I needed a moment alone. I noticed Camden walking my way. I wanted to turn around and run the other direction but I am an adult I can't do that. So I continued to walk towards him. I was still stunned about what he told me yesterday. That he is still in love with me.

"Can we talk?" He came up to me. "Alone, without yelling"

I nodded. We walked into one of the empty bedrooms. I sat on the bed when Camden closed and locked the door he came and sat next to me.

"What do you want?" I asked him with a bit of attitude.

He sighed and started to cry. HE put his head in his hands to hide and just kept sobbing. I moved and held him while he cried I lead he head on my lap and rubbed the back of his head. After a couple of minutes, he calmed down. He sat back up and looked at me.

"What I said is true, Aurora I love you, I love you with all of my heart." He took my hands. "I know that Sophia is here but she doesn't matter to me only you do"

"So what" I looked at him crossing my arms. "You want to dump her while she is here in an unknown land and get back together."

"Not in so many words but yes," He said. "I want to be with you again"

I wanted to smack him but I knew what would happen if I did. "We are not doing that to her. Let's just get through this and we can see about it when we get back home."

He smiled and kissed my hand "I guess that's all I can ask for." He got up and held out his hand for me to take. "Are you ready?"

I took his hand and he helped me up "Yeah let's go"

We walked out to Molly, Alice, Jaylyn, and Hunter standing there waiting at the door. They just smiled at us like they were happy about us being in there together.

"So" Jay smiled "Whatcha doing in there all alone."

I huffed her off "Nothing can we just get going?"

"Of course" Alice smiled "Everyone is waiting in the grand hall"

We all started walking together. Molly came over and whispered in my ear. "This isn't over" She sang and ran back to Alice and Hunter.

We walked to the grand hall. Everyone was standing there waiting for all of us. Sophia was talking to Jack, she was laughing at something that he had said. I felt a little mad at what was going on with that. Jack and I had only were been friends but I can't say that I didn't find him attractive or funny. Jack is a man that every girl in the forest wants to be with. Henna walked over to us and spun around in her outfit.

"Okay these just keep getting better and better" She smiled.

We all laughed, Art came over and joined us along with Kolton. It was nice that we were all together, this is the first time that we have been together in years.

"I feel like we are back in high school" Kolt laughed.

"I can't believe we are old" Art looked at us "Who knew we would be back here years later"

"Or that my sister would be here" Molly hugged the side of her.

"Or you two would be broken up" Henna looked at Camden and me and rolled her eyes. "I mean if anything I would have said Art and I wouldn't be together anymore"

"Hey" He yelled and everyone laughed "Why us?"

"Because" She smiled at him "You are too good for me"

"Awww," All of us girls said. "How cute"

He kissed her quickly and we all laughed again. Rumple appeared along with Maleficent. They both stood there and wait for us to look at them. When we all stopped laughing we turned to them.

"Okay," Rumple started "So we are going back to The Enchanted Forest."

"Raven" She held up her staff with a raven sitting on the top of it. "Told me that there was a sighting of the beast there. It's going after your parents" She looked at me.

"Not my parents," I said "I don't know them"

"Still," Rose said "We need to help them"

"Oh yes" I added, knowing that what I just said made me sound like a bitch "Let's go"

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