Chapter 15

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Cam's POV

I woke up feeling like I was the king of the world. My girlfriend is amazing, I am the most popular kid at school and I haven't heard from Henna is like 3 weeks. I looked over at my phone to see that Aurora texted me. She said that she had to run lines before filming so she would see me at the park when it was time. I got up and sat on the edge of my bed. And then as if the gods were giving me a kiss my phone rang.

"Hey" I answered not even thinking of looking at the caller id. "What's up"

"Oh wow" I knew that voice anywhere "You seem happy to hear from me"

I instantly got irritated. "I am going to hang up"

"WAIT" She yelled "Don't you want to know where your girlfriend is"

"What are you talking about" I rolled my eyes "She is at home"

"Wrong" Henna said "I texted you a location come and see"

"I will not" I hung up and threw my phone.

I got up and paced back and forth. There is no way that Aurora lied to me right. I can trust her, I can so trust her. I can so trust her.

I pulled up to the location that Henna sent me. She was standing there next to her car waiting for me. I can't believe that I came here. I got out and walked up to her.

"Hey there" She smirked at me. "You ready"

"Fine let's go" I grabbed my water bottle.

We started to walk up a hill and over to where there was sort of a clearing. Standing there was Aurora looking around for someone. We waited for a very minute, I was about to leave because no one was here but up walked that bastard, Phillip. What is he doing with her?

Aurora's POV

I walked up to the place that Phillip told me to meet him at. It was just a clearing in the woods that had nothing but some trees and rocks. I stood there and waited around. I can't believe that I am here, and I lied to Camden about where I was and what I was doing.

"Hey" I turned around to see Phillip that holding a bow and arrow. "Are you ready?"

"What" I was shocked. "I have never even held one of those"

"You have" He walked closer to me. "You almost shot me with it. This one is almost the same one you had"

He handed it to and walked over to a tree. He marked a red X and walked back over to me. "Now I want you to hit that target, can you do that?"

I shook my head "No way" I looked at him. "I should go"

"Don't you want to remember?" He got me, he said the one thing that could make me stay. "This could do that"

"Fine" I turned back around and stood there.

I point the bow down and attach an arrow to the string. I then used 3 fingers to lightly hold the arrow on the string. I pointed the bow toward the X that Phillip made for. I used my 3 fingers to pull the bow's drawstring back toward my face. I then fired the bow.

At that moment I felt something familiar. I looked at Phillip who, like, I was watching the bow zoom throw the sky.

My mind went blank except for this one clip that was playing in my head.

"Ok, here I go" I started to walk back to the house but then I heard the sound of a horse. I pulled out an arrow and placed it in the bow that I had. "Come out now"

"Don't shoot" A boy about a couple of years older than me came out "I am sorry, I got lost in the" He walked out from behind the trees and looked at me. "I am Phillip"

"Brier Rose" This boy was the most handsome person I have ever seen. "Are you a prince?"

He nodded "Are you a princess?"

I shook my head "A peasant girl who wants to go farther"

"I can agree with the last part," He said

I smiled at him. "I have to get back but do you want to walk me there"

"I would love to my lady" He bowed and tied up his horse.

I finally snapped out of it to see him ran over to the target and looked at it. "Where is it?" he yelled looking for the arrow. He jumped up and grabbed the arrow from the tree, he ran back over to me "Found it. You know you perfectly pierced a leaf as it fell. That is amazing, not even I can do that" He went to hand the bow back "My lady"

I froze. That line, it is exactly what he had said to me in my flashback. " is happening" I yelled to him. "How did I know how to do that?"

He smiled at me "You had a memory"

Before I knew what was happening he hugged me. I didn't know why but I felt very comfortable in his grip. Like I was very important to him, and he wouldn't let anything happen to me. "Um sorry" I finally broke it up. "But yeah, I almost shot you with an arrow and then you walked me back to a little cottage in the woods where I am lived. How is that possible?"

He took my hand "Not yet, it is too soon for me to tell you"

"No" I yelled "I am just going crazy"

"You aren't" He pulled me in. I would have never seen what he did next. Phillip leaned in and kissed me. I didn't pull away, it felt just very right.

Maleficent's POV

"That prince" I yelled.

"I am not going to let them win" I shattered the mirror.

"Think," I thought back to what I watched. "Yes, that spinning wheel"

I walked over to all my potions and poisons. I grabbed and elixir that I knew would travel to the other world. I made a new needle. I made the sleeping curse, who haw she is feeling I knew that she didn't have true love, that there were two loves. So no matter which one kissed her she would never wake up.

I have just enough magic to create a tiny portal to the other world to send something.

I laughed "Now all I have to do is sit back and watch her sleep"

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