Chapter 18

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Phillip's POV

We arrived back in my homeland. I turned around to make sure that they all arrived safely. What I saw I was not expecting. All of their outfits had changed. They just kept looking down and adjusting them. These are what I found to be comfortable. I wore something called skinny jeans once and I thought I would have to cut myself out of them.

"What is this?"Hunter looked down at his new outfit.

"Well I think you have never looked more handsome," Molly kissed his cheek.

Kolton pointed and laughed at him "You are a hunter named Hunter"

"Why you laughing you have a fucking cape, you look stupid" He yelled.

"Not a very good come back" Camden laughed at him. "I look like a badass"

"Why am I not surprised" Art  huffed "What the hell am I wearing"

"I think it's cute" Henna came over

"Why do you girls look so much hotter here" The boys crossed their arms.

"Because" Henna went over and stood by Molly and Jaylyn "We are the main attraction"

"Well duh" Molly  flipped her hair and laughed "You ever read a fairytale about a guy main character"

"Nope" Jaylyn sassed "We are the ones they want"

"Okay, calm down" I huffed picking Aurora up from the ground. She was beautiful in her blue gowned. "Ready it's a long walk"

"WALK" They all grumbled

"Yes we don't have those things called cars here," I told them "Now we have to get to Rumplestiltskin's castle and hopefully before nightfall.

We started to walk towards Rumple's Castle. I didn't have the heart to tell them the other part. That when we wake her up I have no way for them to get back home. We got there by the time the moon rose. I handed Aurora to Camden and knocked on the door.

"Please be aware that Rumple is a very strange person. Don't take anything and if he tries to make a deal with you don't do it" I warned them "They always seem to come with a steep price."

The door opened to no one there. "Come on up" I heard his voice cackle.

I walked in and they all followed me "Now what" Jay asked for the group "Is he just going to wake her up?"

I shook my head no "But he may know what to do"

We reached his great room. Standing in the middle of the room, back turned to us at his potions table was Rumple. I cleared my voice and he turned around.

I could hear all of them gasp in fright but he didn't seem to mind instead he loved it. He walked closer to us looking at each and every one of them.

"You all aren't from here" He laughed with glee "Ohh goody outsiders."

He flicked his wrist and the scene changed to a beautiful dining table, everyone sitting down with a plate of food in front of them.

"This is weird," Molly said out loud.

"Where is Aurora?" Camden looked around for her.

Rumple laughed and pointed to a nice bed that was holding her as she slept. She was looking so peaceful there. We all just kind of looked at each other. They had no idea what was going on and I kind of just ate. This is the first time in a week that I have liked the food that we are going to have.

"You like this?" Art whispered to me.

"Of course" I took a bite of my bird leg. "You don't?"

They kind of just pushed their food around and looked at each other. After Rumple and I were eating we all just looked at each other.

Rumple stood up and looked at all of us. "Who is kissing her first"

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