Twice Upon A Time: Chapter 2

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Molly's POV

I had just got home from my shift to find Hunter sitting on my bed with a dozen roses. I didn't even know that he was back from a deployment.

"What are you doing home" I jumped on my bed and top of him. "How did you get in?"

He kissed me first "Aurora helped me with that" He rolled me over, "I am back for 6 months."

I kissed him again. He kept on kissing, we didn't stop until both of us were naked and panting from all the rekindling we did. We watched some Netflix and ate some pizza that he had got before I came home. The door opened, I could hear Aurora talking to someone else, someone who I felt like I knew.

"Aurora?" I got up and out of the bed and threw on Hunter's Army Jacket, zipping it up and walking out. Hunter was behind me pulling on his pants. "Who is..........Phillip"

"Hey" He smiled at us. "How are you two?"

"Good man, how are you?" Hunter shook his hand. "You look so young"

He laughed "I am good, but I require some help"

"What can we do?" I asked him. "What kind of help?"

"I called everyone here" Aurora came back over "Aw I see you two celebrated" She winked at us.

"Even Camden?" He asked him. He wanted her to call Camden, whatever it must be big.

She nodded and looked at is. "So get dressed everyone should be here soon"

She left and went into her room. I could tell that having to call Camden was very tough for her. I walked back into my room with Hunter in tow.

"What is going on" He sat on my bed and asked.

I turned to my closet "I have no idea" I pulled out a blue silk dress and put it on. I turned back to Hunter who was back in his old clothes that I had moved here.

"Can we just chill until everyone is here?" He pulled me back over to him.

I kissed him "Of course"

We laid down in the bed and continued to watch Stranger Things. About 2 hours later the front door was opened and closed again. I turned over to see that Hunter was still asleep. I got up and walked out into the living room. Sitting was Jaylyn and Henna. They were talking about Jaylyn's engagement ring. Kolton had proposed to her last week, Aurora and I were there. It was quite beautiful. Art and Kolton were talking to Phillip, while Aurora was in the kitchen looking at her watch like she was nervous. I walked passed all of them to her.

"Are you okay girl?" I asked her sitting down at the island counter. "I know how hard it must have been to contact Cam"

She poured a large glass of tequila and turned to me. "I don't think that I can do this"

She started to cry. I got up and hugged her "Than why do it?"

"It is important" She sighed. The doorbell went off again, Kolton looked at the monitor and buzzed whoever it was in.

We all wanted, a moment later the door opened to an aged Camden. He looked at all of us and waved. Everyone went over and hugged him. As much as I love Camden and miss him, I couldn't leave my girl who was shaking with nerves. He made his way over to us.

"Hey Mol" He hugged me. I hugged him back "Where is Hunter?"

I pulled away and smiled at him "In my room on the left you can go wake him up"

"Thanks" He smiled at me. "Hey you"

"You" Aurora gave a half-smile "Um we are going to start this meeting" She downed the rest of her drink and walked over towards Phillip.

Camden turned and looked at me. "I will be back" He walked into my room.

I went over and sat down next to the girls. We get together once a week for a girl's night but this is different. Hunter and Camden came out of my room. Hunter hugged everyone and then the two of them stood next to Art and Kolton. Phillip and Aurora stood in front of us.

"Thank you so much for coming" Phillip started "Something is going on in the Enchanted Forest. Someone is trying to kill Royals, We need Rumple's help but he is refusing to help."

"Why is he refusing?" Hunter asked, "I mean couldn't he just make the person appear and then kill him?"

Aurora looked at Phillip. I have a feeling we are not going to like what is going to be said next. "He said that he won't help unless we are there"

"What" Henna got up "Is he crazy" We all looked at her "Okay I know he is but why us?"

"He can see the future," Phillip told us "It is one of his talents. He is in a town here called Storybrooke, he said that if I can get you all to come he will come help."

"Why should we" Camden crossed his arms and scowled.

Aurora looked at him like she was ready to punch him to the ground. She turned around and took some deep breaths then looked back at us. "We all meet here tomorrow at 9 and we can drive together."

She walked away. Everyone looked at each other and started to get up. I walked up to the front of the room and stood there looking at everyone. "I am sorry, she is just having a bad day"

"It's okay" Henna got up and walked over to Art "Come on Phillip you can stay with us tonight" They took his arm and pulled him out of the apartment.

Aurora walked back into the room with a large glass of wine. She looked at Camden like she wanted to talk to him alone. Hunter saw it too because he took my hand "See you all tomorrow"

"Wait," Cam said but we had already sped into our room and closed the door.

We pressed our ear against the door to listen. This is either going to go well or be an all-out fight.

Camden's POV

I just looked at her after Hunter and Molly zoomed out of the room. She is still as beautiful as the day I first met her. This time, though, she just looked so sad.

"So" I just looked at her. It's been 5 years since I had last seen her and I didn't know what to say to her.

"Don't" She finally said "Let's just do this one thing and never see each other again"

She turned around from me but I took her arm and turned her back round "Is that what you want"

She sighed and straightened her stance, that is how you knew she was going to yell "NO" She said and swung her arm away from me "It's not but I can't be near you"

"Why" I walked and stood in front of her "Do you hate me that much"

"HATE YOU" She came closer and yelled in my face "I don't hate you"

"Than why?" I moved closer, soon there was no space between us.

She looked up at me with her gorgeous eyes and those perfect lips "Because I still love you"

I leaned down and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and in the same motion I picked her up. She wrapped her legs around my torso.

She pulled apart and looked at me "Let's take this to my room"

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