Twice Upon A Time: Chapter 3

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Aurora's POV

I woke up naked next to a sleeping Cam. I can't believe that happened. As much as I have dreamed of being back with Camden I don't think that I could have ever imagined that we would sleep together the day that we saw each other again.

"A" He rolled over and looked at me. I turned away so fast so he didn't have to see him "Hey"

I got out of bed and pulled on my robe really quickly. "You should go. We shouldn't have done that"

He got up and pulled his boxers on. He ran his hand through his hair. "I agree" He pulled on his pants and shirt. "I will see you later"

He walked out of my room and the front door. I would have thought right then and there that I would have broken down into tears but I didn't. I walked into my closet and looked at some clothes.

To go see Rumple would I need to wear something nice or just something casual. I was too much in my own head right now. I just kept thinking back to what happened last night. His touch was electric and what he can do with his hands, god would frown upon.

"Knock knock" I looked over to see Molly standing there with her arms crossed. I could just tell that she knew what happened last night. "So was that Cam leaving this morning?"

I just rolled my eyes and turn my back to her. "Yes, it was. Can we drop it already?"

"Sure" She walked closer to me. "What is happening with the two of you?'

I sighed. "I thought that when we spent the night together we would just fit together but afterward it just felt wrong. That we shouldn't have jumped right into bed." I looked through my clothes, not trying to look at her.

"I agree" She pulled out an outfit for me to wear "You should have ridden him to bed"

I snatched the outfit from her "Oh shut up"

I quickly changed and turned around to her "Is everyone ready?"

She looked at me like I was crazy, "It's been like 20 minutes since you woke up. Everyone will here at 9"

She walked out of the room leaving me alone. I walked back into my bedroom and just sat on the bed. I knew that going to Storybrooke to see Rumple meant that we were most likely going to be going to the Enchanted Forest so why pack a bag. I laid on the bed after a while and stared at the ceiling.

"They are here" Hunter popped into my room.

"Okay be right there" I sat up and looked at him. He just leaned against my wall by my door and looked at me. "What do you need?"

Hunter sighed and looked at me. He walked over and sat next to me. When Camden cheated' on me, I went to see Hunter first. I knew that Molly would try to talk to me about how I was feeling and how Camden was a good guy and that she couldn't believe that he would do that. Hunter allowed me to scream and cry, he just listened to everything that I had to say without telling me anything.

"I know" Those were the only words he had to say and I was done. I just started to bawl, I laid my head on Hunter's lap. He rubbed my back and allowed me to cry it out. "He isn't worth it"

"I know" I was able to mumble through. "I just can't believe I slept with him."

He helped me up "Okay now pull yourself together and let us go out there."

I grabbed my small duffel of one extra outfit and my purse "Ready"

"Wait?" He looked at my bags "That is all you packed"

I nodded "It is Rumple, do you think we are going to be there very long"

Hunter thought about it then laughed "You are so right"

We walked out of my room and into the family room. They were all there, well everyone but Camden, he texted Molly and said that it was easier for him to just meet us there. We all walked down into the parking garage in our building, because I own the penthouse I get 2 parking spots. It was decided that Henna, Art, Phillip and I would take one car while the 2 other couples would be taking the other one. After it took Henna 2 minutes to load all of her unnecessary luggage into the car we were off.

It was about a 7 and a half in hour drive there. I was exhausted from last night so I drifted asleep to Henna talking on and on about the new Pho place that she and Art discovered last week. I woke up and we were about more than halfway there. Henna and Art had switched seats and Art was asleep.

"So" Henna looked at me from the rear-view window. "How was it to see Camden again?"

I rolled my eyes "It was hard, but I am over him." I turned away from her and to Phillip "So how is Rose taking to the Royal life?"

Phillip smiled "She is doing good, she so far has not been affected by everything that has been affecting us Royals"

"Why is that?" Henna asked us.

I forget that I am not from this world that I am a fairy-tale character and that my life is different from how my friends grew up. "Well, technically she isn't real royalty. Royals in the Enchanted Forest are only allowed to marry other Royals. So since she isn't technically a real royal whatever this curse or monster is won't affect her.

"Oh okay," Henna went back to drive.

I read a book that I had brought that was from a new author we are looking to sign. The next time I looked up we were pulling into a small town. It was full of those main street storefronts. We pulled up to a pawn shop store, 2 cars pulled up behind us. We all got out and stood in front of the store.

"Well here we are"

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