Chapter Twenty Four

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I'm not gonna say anything about the picture other that ya'll should be prepared for the feels. I had a really good idea for how to end the book and my mind was just arguing back and forth between "OH MY GODS THIS IS THE GREATEST IDEA EVER! IT ENDS ON A REALLY SAD NOTE BUT A NOTE THAT WOULD SATISFY IT!!" and "NO YOU DON'T WANT TO SHATTER YOUR READERS HEARTS!! THEIR LIKE GLASS! FRAGILE!" and then also that one part of the brain "Yeah but..... It would be epic." so I think I'm gonna do it but I'll cut ya'll some slack. 

Also, shout out to @IronyPaintz for making this chapter possible. You should follow her. She's great. And he profile picture is my profile picture's uncle. I think. It was never official. Screw it your profile picture is my profile picture's uncle now Irony. XD. I'm feeling more confident about this now so this should be a better/longer chapter. Happy reading! (My brother is annoying me in my room with his trumpet and playing AJR songs. And he wont go away. Send help please.) Random cartoon quote that isn't from this cartoon: "THERE ARE RULES MAN!" "Yeah I know I just don't always choose to follow them." Try to guess. I'm re watching this show and I forgot how hilarious it is. Now Happy Reading XD Here's a song for you for fun. I'ts called Karma by AJR. Idk why I put this song. I just really like it XD. Sometimes I can relate to it tho. 

Mabel's POV

"No No No No No!" I started to panic. I knew what this meant. Dipper had told me about the Mindscape and what it looked like. I had never been in the Mindscape before but I knew that this was a bad sign. Then, I heard a voice. "Well Well Well if it isn't my old prisionar Shooting Star! Wow you look different now! I like it!" I glare at him. "Well I could say the same thing for you." I growl. "Oh you like it? Yeah i'm still getting used to these flesh noodles you call arms. But I think I look good! As a bonus, the fandom thinks that as well! Some of them are even attracted to me!" "The what." I ask confused. "Don't worry about it Shooting Star. Come in! I have a surprise for you!" He started floating away from me so I pointed out the major problem. I cleared my throat. "At the moment I can't follow you."

He waved his hand and I was yanked from the river. I landed hard on the grey grass. "Ow." I say. "Oh stop crying and follow me." I looked back and saw my legs. I stood up and it felt weird to walk after so much scooching around the house. Heh. Thats a funny word. Scooching. I was a little wobbly but I ended up following Bill. I mean, I had to follow him. He could lead me to Dipper. I followed him for hours. It felt like days. Who knew. Time is different in the Mindscape.

Good news: He lead me to Dipper. Bad News: It was a trap and I'm technically dead. 

When I saw Dipper, I ran over to him to embrace him. He looked exactly like he did in my dream. Well technically this was a dream but who knows what happend. Dipper could see me. And I could touch him. Something was wrong. "Oh yes something is VERY wrong Shooting Star! Good news for me though!" "Bill. What. Did. You. Do." "You see, when I turned you human in your sleep, you turned human in real life." "Yeah so why is that a bad thi-" I realized the last place I was before I feel asleep was the bottom of a river. "B-Bill. W-What a-are you s-saying...?" "Congratulations kid! You're dead!" 

I couldn't help it. Tears started to pour down my face. Bill patted me on the head. "Aw don't worry about it Shooting Star! I have better plans for you and your brother! Soon you'll be immortal like me!" "Why can't you just leave us alone?!? What did we do to you!?" I yelled. I had Dipper's head in my lap. He was unconscious so it was just me and Bill and whatever was in the cage in the corner. Bill suddenly started to glow red. "Don't act like you don't know Shooting Star! Do you know how hard it was to escape from the holds of that memory gun? I spent days trying to escape. Like I said to you before, 'don't toy with me Shooting Star!' and you did. And you paid. Now, I can't wait to have demon friends in the multiverse! Especially little Pine Tree. You guys will make good company!" 

"What are you doing with us?!" "Oh nothing. I'm just gonna kill your brother (your already dead so that wont be a problem anymore) then turn both of you into the inner demons you are! But in order to do that I need two members of you family. One boy and one girl. To willingly sacrifice themselves in order to show that they are with both of you to the end. I've just been keeping Pine Tree company until you arrived. I already took your sacrifices. No need to thank me!" 

"Wh-Who exactly are the sacrifices?" I ask nervously. Bill laughed. "I thought you would figure out sooner but here you go!" He removed the cloth from the cage to reveal our parents trapped. Their eyes were all white and they didn't make a sound. 

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