Chapter Twenty

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Hi guys. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. It may or may not have to do with the fact that I was binge watching cartoons with my friends. Anyway, Enjoy!

Dipper's POV

"Should I be worried about that?" I thought. I mean, it could just means that Bill really hates Pine Trees. Or it could be a metaphor and he's basically saying that he's going to kill me. Fun. 

I lay there on the grass. Bill had to go to do more "Demon Stuff" aka, he's going to leave me at the mercy of insanity. Also fun. 

I gave up on trying to entertain myself again and decided to just lay down on the grass. The chains were scraping my wrists and legs. It hurt like heck. "Maybe if I just lie here, then the pain would go away." I close my eyes. The open them again. "Did I just say that out loud?" My voice echoed through the grey landscape. "Your already loosing your mind Dipper. You have to resist. Think of your family." I also said that out loud. 

A few more boring hours later, Bill finally returned.

He floated around me in circles. "Hmm...." "What." "Your not insane yet." "Brilliant observation. How can you tell?" "I just can kid. Don't question me." "Okay then." He continued to float around me. Then, his new mouth spread into an evil smile.

"What?" "I think you might need a little push..." I didn't realize what he was doing until the last minute when his hands ignited with the same blue fire that he had tortured me earlier with. "W-Wait! D-Don't-" I was cut off when he pressed a hand to my forehead. Suddenly, my whole body burned. I fell to the ground. I played the only card I had. "S-Stop!! P-Please!" I know. Not the smartest thing I did. 

"Whats that Pine Tree? You want more?" He moved his hand from my forehead to the spot above my back legs. You know. (I can't believe I'm about to make this analogy.) Where the characters on My Little Pony have their cutie marks or whatever. (A/N: I did my fair time in the MLP universe...) 

I could feel the fur around the area burning away. Bill was doing some sort of magic on it so that the fur would burn to a crisp and then grow back. I knew begging for mercy wouldn't work. So, I had to deal with this. Soon, I was on the grass twitching and smoking. Bill had also put his hand on my arm too. It was red and blistering. Probably like the other areas. 

It wasn't long before I feel asleep.

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