Chapter One

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Dipper's POV

Everything was going fine. The sun was shining, there was a cool breeze outside, and Stan slept in so me and Mabel were able to do stuff that we wouldn't be able to do. I snuck away outside for a little bit because once Mabel told me that her friends were coming over, I decided that it would be best for me to..... Not be there.  

As I walk into the woods and admire the beauty of the place. The sun was shining through the trees, the forest had that smell that I couldn't help but love. Once I was far away enough from the Shack, I pull out the Journal. Great Uncle Ford let me keep the Journal as a souvenir and I found a page that I must have skipped over or something. 

I flip to the page and read it. 

The Deer God.

 My studies were correct. There is a creature hidden deep within the woods of Gravity Falls. He was the very first Deer on the Earth, Therefore, being a God. I was able to make allies with the beast. He is a gentle and kind creature. Very rare for the strange creatures of Gravity Falls. 

Yes! According to it, The Deer thingie lives in this very spot! My eyes drift to the bottom of the page where a warning sat. 

WARNING! Whatever you do, choose your wording carefully. I have seen victims of the Deer Gods rage. And the results are never good. The Deer God may be kind and gentle. But is also very sensitive. He will take almost anything you say as an Insult. Choose how you say your words. 

Now, you may be thinking, "Dipper! Are you seriously going to go hunt for a beast that can get offended very easily and put your safety at risk???" Your answer, AW HECK YES I AM!! Besides, it's not like I'm going to purposely offend this dude, right? 

I walk deeper into the woods. I stop when my legs start to feel like jelly. I sit on a nearby rock and wipe the sweat off of my forehead. I read more in the journal for a while until I feel a warm breath on my face. I look up and I am face to face with a Deer. I compare the picture in the journal to the deer in front of my face. 

Identical. "A-Are you H-Him?" I show the picture to the deer and point to it. "Ah yes. He really did illustrate me well didn't he?" The deer says in my mind. Success! "Do you mind if I ask you some questions?" I ask nervously clicking the pen in my hand. 

"What is your name young child." "Dipper. Dipper Pines." The Deer God pauses. "Walk with me Dipper." 

And so I did. I get up and start to walk. Asking him questions along the way. Then,(Interrupting me.) he asks me a question. "Tell me Dipper. What do you think a Deer's life is like?" That was shocking because the question was totally random. "Uh. Easy? Laid back?" "Wrong." "Hard? Can we please get back to this." I say. Forgetting what the warning said and getting a little impatient.

"Wrong again. And, watch your tone. You dont know who your talking to." "Uh. Okay. But seriously man, we really need to get back to the-" "YOU DARE INSULT ME??? FINE! IF YOU THINK THAT A DEER'S LIFE IS EASY, YOU WILL BE ONE YOURSELF!" I felt something wet lick my forehead. He licked me. 

"What??? hey! I wasn't even being rude-" I was cut off by a strange feeling in my feet. I look down and see my two legs slowly becoming four. "Gah! What are you doing!" "This generation needs to be more polite!" And with that, he leaves me. Talk about rude.

 WhatdoIdowhatdoIdo??? I flip through the journal to see if there is anything that can help. Aha! 

If you end up getting on the Deer God's bad side, there is no cure. 

Aw come on! 

However, there is a way to stop it. 

I'm listening...  

Water can stop it from spreading throughout the rest of your body. But, the places that the spell already covered, will remain.  

I figure that I can take what I can get. I know that there is a river nearby somewhere! I run. The spell now over my knees. I try to run. But, I just ended up running two feet, and then falling on my face again. Run Run Run ow! Run Run Run ow! You get the point. Finally. FINALLY. I find a river. 

Desperate, I dive into the river. Hitting my head on a rock. Owch. I get up and look at my drenched self. The good news, the spell stoped. The bad news? I had ears. "OH COME ON!!!" I stare at my reflection in the river. My guess was that because the Deer God had licked me on the forehead, the spell started there and then went down to my feet. I tug on my ears and it hurts. 

There is nothing in the journal that can cure me. I guess this is my life now. I get up but end up falling back into the river. "Ow." Okay Dipper. Lets try this again. I am able to scoot myself back onto shore. But my deer half is heavy. "Um! A little help here?!" I call out. I doubt Mabel would be out in the woods right now. But it's worth a shot. I mean, I can't go anywhere until someone comes and finds me. So, might as well.

"Mabel! Are you out there?!" No response. So, I try plan B. Trying to walk. I push myself up and I am able to stand for about one second. I fall on my face again. This cycle just kept on repeating. I came to the conclusion that I cannot walk as of right now. "MABEL!!" I cry out. Panic rising in my throat.

Okay. I was starting to freak out. Lets just try to assess the situation. Well, you can't walk. Your in the middle of the forest. And Mabel is most likely not going to come and- "HELLO!!" "GAH! MABEL!!" She laughs. She climbs out from behind the bush she was hiding in. "Gullible." She says. "I am not!- You know what. Screw it. I'm not even gonna this time. I need your help." 

It's then that she noticed my deer half. My deer half was facing the river so she couldn't see it very well. "Whoa. What happened to you bro bro?" I sigh. "Long story. I'll tell you later. But for now, I cant get up and walk." 

Totally ignoring my response, Mabel continued. "Awww! You look so cute! And did you see all of the freckles splattered on your face? So adorable!" She gasps. "I need to give you a new nickname!!" "Please dont." "Too late!! What do you think about freckles? Nah. Thats too original. Hoofs?! Nah. Too obvious." She pauses for a moment. Thinking. Then, her face lights up in that Mabel way that it always does. "I GOT IT!!! DEERPER!!" "No. I refuse to go by that." "TOO LATE!! IT'S OFFICIAL NOW!"

I groan. At this rate, I'll never make it back to the Shack. "Hey Mabel, can you please just help me get back?" "Why would you need help? You can walk on your own!" I give her a really? Look and attempt at standing up but just fall on my face. "Oh I see. Because I'm feeling nice today, I will." She helps me to my feet and caries my back half while I walk on my front two.... hooves. 

If you think that you have been through a really awkward situation, I dont care how awkward it is. But believe me when I say that walking back to the shack with your sister carrying your back half and doing the Wheelbarrow all the way back, now THAT was awkward. It was also really hard as well. But, we managed. 

When we get back to the Shack, I point out something. "Mabel, weren't your friends coming over?" She shrugs. "Yeah but you left and because I'm a creep, I followed you. I figured I had some time before they came." She grins at me. "Let's get you inside." And I agree. 

*Que Gravity Falls Theme*

Heyoo! So, I'm sorry if this is cringy. I tried my best. I hope you like it!!  

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