Chapter Eight

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Dipper's POV

First things First, I did NOT sleep at all last night. When you have four legs, it's a bit difficult to find a comfortable sleeping spot. I tossed and turned all night. I tried to close my eyes. But that never helps. Right before the sun was about to rise, I turn and see Mabel. She looked quite comfortable. On her stomach. Her brown hair floated and drifted in the water of her tank. 

I studied her. The moonlight made her scales and gills glisten. You could only see half of her face. Her mouth was open a little bit. She moved up and down as she breathed. Up. Down. Up. Down. I watched this for hours. Just as the sun rose and sunlight leaked through the window, I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. They slowly closed. And I drifted off in a nightmare that I wish I could forget. 


It was a horrible scene that I wanted to forget. I stood on top of a hill. The scene was gruesome as one way to describe it. Bodies littered the ground. My friends. My family. The horrible place reminded me of the tainted streets of Weirdmaggedon. My eyes searched in panic for any survivors. My eyes stopped when I saw Mabel. 

Her tail was completely severed off. Scales that once glittered pink in the moonlight were now stained with red blood. Next to her severed tail, were her gills. They were completely cut off as well. Blood was still oozing from her waist. Drip Drip Drip. I watched in horror as another strand of blood slid down the side of her head where her gills where. 

Her facial expression looked like she was in mid scream. Her eyes, now milky white were full of pain and fear. To make things worse, everyone seemed to have severed parts of their body that littered the ground. Grunkle Stan and Great Uncle Ford both had their wings cut off. blood slowly dripping the ground. Great Uncle Fords paws laid at the ground next to him. 

Wendy didn't look any different. But she had a pair of red, bloodied, wolf ears next to her and she was bleeding from the head. A red wolf tail was also sitting next to her. Red with blood. I had no idea what that was all about. I put a hand on my head. "No No No No. They can't all be gone." Tears streamed down my face. My voice sounded slow and echoey 

Then I hear a laugh. A laugh that I will never ever forget. "Why so sad Pine Tree?" I turn to see the familiar triangular shape of Bill Cipher. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE???" I shout tears still streaming down my now freckled face. "Why Pine Tree! No need to be rude! I just wanted to stop by and do what I do best! Make you suffer!" "I won't let you Bill! Get out of my head!" "Ahh but Pine Tree! You see, thats going to be difficult to do! You wanna know something special about this dream?" 

"Get lost Bill!" Bill, being the rude demon he was, ignored me. "This dream is special because Well, lets just say you never know what the future holds." My face pales. I didn't want to believe him. But he was a demon. He sees all things. "And this!" He yanks on my curly hair knocking my hat off and lifting me off the ground by my hair. "Is what you get for making me MAD!His eye turns red. I wince in pain. but then he does something I did not expect. He puts his finger up to my ears. Seeing what he did to the others, I knew what he was going to do. "No! Bill! Stop!"  

He just laughs as he yanks on my ears. I wince but then the pain gets worse. Soon, I can feel a warm drop of blood slide down the side of my head. I hear a sickening rip and I feel nauseous. The pain gets more intense. I scream. Then, I hear a thud. I look down at the ground to see my very bloody deer ear on the ground. 

"Remember Pine Tree, I am always watching the Pines Twins. I will be back! And when I am, I will torture you and your sister for all of eternity!"  He drops me to the ground and I wake up. I run to the bathroom and made it in time. Sickening noises come from my mouth. I throw up. The image of my bloodied ear on the ground that bill tore off was still in my head. When I was done, I flush the toilet and look in the mirror to see if my ears were still there. They were. I clean up and walk back out. 

Mabel gives me a weird look. "What happened to you?" "Really gross nightmare. Tell you later." I know that wasn't just a nightmare. It was more of a vision. I had so many questions. How was Bill still alive??? How was he able to get into my dream? I knew that those were questions for later. For now, I had a lot to worry about.

A/N: Hey guys, So I just wanted to say, I'm sorry if this sounds like a lot of other fanfictions. I've been reading one myself, (the most addicting thing ever.) And it has a lot of detail in it. And it starts out with Dipper having a bad nightmare. I swear I dont mean to copy it! i'm just in the zone! But anyway, If you want to know the name of it, it's called Breaking Apart (I forgot the authors name) and you should read it if you like dark stuff. Anyway, I don't want to copy from that and that is the goal with me right now. So anyway, again sorry if It sounds like I'm copying from it! I promise that is not the goal! Baiiii!! 

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