Chapter Six

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Mabel's POV

I kept on saying silly things to cheer up Dipper. He looked really nervous. I patted his head. "Hey Sir Dipping Sauce. Thanks for saving me back there." "Are you kidding? I always have your back." I smile. In no time, we are back at the Shack. "What are we going to do about your tail?" I think for a moment. "I think Grunkle Stan has an inflatable pool somewhere?" 

"Yeah." Dipper walks inside and we see Wendy, and Stan (Attempting at the normal look) Wendy turns to say hi but stops in her tracks. Before she could say anything, Dipper puts a hand up. "Yes we know. We'll tell you later." Stan groans. "Mable too???" "Yupperdoodle." Me and Dipper casually walk up the stairs that lead to the attic. We were both really tired and Dipper was still soaking wet from the lake. 

"Goodnight Grunkle Stan." Me and Dipper say at the same time. "Goodnight." We go into the bathroom to brush our teeth and I have no idea what to do for pajamas. Or where I would sleep. Then, Dipper perked up. "The tank!" "The what what?" "The tank! There was an old tank that was much bigger than the old one! It's somewhere in the basement I think."

"Brilliant! Go ask Ford to help! He's probably down there!" "Yes!" Dipper runs downstairs with such speed that he becomes a brown blur. I sigh. Suddenly, something in the mirror catched my attention. "Oh come on!" I tug on the two gills that were on the side of my head. It hurt. 

Dipper comes back up the stairs behind Ford. They are both lifting this GIGUNGUS fish tank. It was even bigger than me. Which I guess was a good thing. "Let's fill this up and you should be good to go Mabel!" Dipper beams with a look on his face that read "You see this tank right here? Thats right! I carried it up the stairs!" 

We fill it up with water and I'm able to get in it. The cool water feels good on my scales. We moved my old bed and replaced it with the tank. I look over at Dipper. "Goodnight Dipping Dot!" "Goodnight Mabel." And then, I drift off to sleep.  

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