Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: Sorry it's taken me forever to update. I've been having some major writers block with this story. 

Mabel's POV

Everything happened so fast. Dipper looked like he failed a test, Wendy was.... Well... More wolf ish. Stan and Ford were definitely NOT okay, and our parents were outside. We couldn't let them in. "Aw man Aw man Aw man." I heard Dipper say under his breath. If I could move, I would. But at the moment, I didn't have legs and there wasn't a way to reverse it from what I knew of.

"Wendy. Calm down. It's me. Mabel." I tried to calm her down but that just turned her attention from Dipper, to me. She stared at me for five chilling minutes. Then, must have decided I wasn't worth it. She turned her attention back to my brother and bared her fangs. Oh crap. I had to save my brother. 

Just before Wendy was about to sink her fangs into Dipper's somwhat deer ish body, I did the only thing that came to mind. It was incredibly stupid. But when you have no legs, you use the stupid decisions. 

I reached out, and started to stroke her ears. I tensed up hoping that she wouldn't eat my arm off. But if there is anything I've learned from having a pet pig, it's that the ear's are an animal's weakness. I closed my eyes and when I opened them, Wendy's eye's were back to normal. Her mouth was hanging open and she was making purring sounds. 

I did it! I lifted my hand from Wendy's ears and put it back in my tank. "Why did you stop Mabel? That felt good!" "I stopped because of this." I gestured all around me and Wendy's face fell. "D-Did I-" I nod silently. My eyes drift to Dipper and he's laying on the floor. Blood spilling from multiple scratches. 

"Dipper! Are you okay?" I ask pressing my face against the glass of the container. "Y-Yeah. Just a little scratch. I'm just gonna lay here for the next..... few..... centuries." Wendy looks at Dipper. "Oh my gosh. Dipper! Are you okay? What happened??" Me and him both stay silent. "D-Did I do that?" he nods and Wendy looks crestfallen. I give her a comforting smile. "It wasn't your fault." 

She smiles back at me but still looks sad. "Lets get things cleaned up here okay?" She nods and we get to work. Our mom and dad come in later and they look very confused. But shake off the look. "Mabel sweetie?" My mom says. "We need to talk to you and Dipper." I nod. "Okay. I'm helping clean the kitchen right now and Dipper is.... Sleeping. On the floor. You can tell me now." "This town... its too..... weird for us. We're leaving tomorrow. But you and Dipper can stay."

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