Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: Okay so first of all, the picture has nothing to do with this chapter, I just thought it was funny. Second of all, Sorry if this fanfic is kinda slow/boring. I feel like this sucks really bad compared to other fanfics I read. I'm kinda just writing as I go and i know I had an original idea for this fanfic, but it left me. Writer's block is worse than Stan-I mean Satan!! Okay so this is totally a different fandom but I have to ask because I am dying! Most of the fandom's I'm in my family doesn't care for. Especially this one. Okay, brace yourselves, here's the question. WHO'S SEEN THE EPISODE OF MIRACULOUS CALLED CHAT BLANC?!? If so, please comment. I am slowly suffering at my house. Its depressing. 

Mabel's POV

"Wait, your leaving?? Already?!" My parents glanced at each other. "Yes we are. If these things your saying are true, we couldn't handle it. It's just.... Not for us. You and Dipper will be staying until the end of the summer here though. We know how much you love it here and we wouldn't want you to take you away from that." 

"But you can't leave! The summer's only begun!" "Mabel sweetie, thats not the only reason we're leaving. We just... We have things we need to take care of here. Before you protest, don't. Me and your father will be leaving early in the morning." And with that, they walked out of the room. 

Dipper's POV  

Here was the order of things that happened that night. 1: I tried to calm down Wendy and convince her it wasn't her fault. 2: Mabel told me that our parents were leaving. And 3: I got kidnapped. Allow me to explain. 

After Wendy left to go home, Mabel told me about our parents. I couldn't blame them. I shrugged and limped upstairs. The cuts on my back half only stung but there were now Hello Kitty bandages on them. Mabel most likely chose those. I had just came out of the bathroom when I heard a noise in the Attic. 

Being the brave person I was, I jumped back and said "W-Whos t-there!?" Nothing. I must have been imagining it. Then again. I wasn't in California anymore. This was Gravity Falls. I tried to shake off the feeling that something was watching me. But it just wouldn't go away. Just before I curled up in my bed, (literally) there was a loud pop like lightning and then a pain in my side. I looked at the direction the sound had came from but I couldn't see anything. Not even a shadow. 

My eyes drifted to my side and I almost screamed. There was a huge gash in my side and blood was pouring out of it quickly. I knew that if it stayed like this, I would have serious blood loss. I ripped off a piece of my blanket and quickly tried to tie it around the spot where I was injured. I kept fumbling with it though. 

Suddenly, I hand covered my mouth. My eyes went wide and a voice came from behind me. "Oh Pine Tree. I'm afraid I can't let you do that." 

A/N: I think I have a really good idea of what I'm going to do now. I still feel like this sucks though. Please forgive me! And please comment and vote! Bai!!!

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