Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I kept on going back and forth between if this is trash or actually a good story. But then I realized that some of the best story's have to have a rough start in order to accomplish great things. (THIS IS NOT A BILLDIP CHAPTER!) Anyway, Enjoy!!

Dipper's POV

I can't remember much what happened after that. I remember panic rising up in me, and then blacking out. When I woke up, I was in the woods. Except everything was in black and white besides me. Frick. Excuse my language but I knew the Mindscape when I see it. 

My side ached like someone had just dropped an anvil on my head like in one of those silly cartoons. I tried to move and scamper away, but a blue chain held my neck, my arms, and my legs. Well isn't that just great. "Welcome back Pine Tree." My deer like reflexes made me jump so high that the chain around my neck choked me. 

"Well then. Lets not get too hasty now." Bill said straightening his bow tie. "I know you missed me Pine Tree. But you don't have to get that exited." "What do you want Bill?!?!" "Isn't it obvious Pine Tree?! I want YOU! Your soul! Your free will! Makes any sense now??!" "Never!!! I'm not insane!" "Ahh but I didn't mention your side of the deal!" 

Bill snapped his fingers and a cage appears in front of him. A curtain draped over it.  "Why would I want that?!" "You don't know whats in the cage Pine Tree. How do you know it won't be something.... Valuable to you and your sister?" I had no idea what he meant. But he had to be bluffing.  

"I'll never trust you!!" "Fine then. Your choice." He snapped his now human like fingers and the chains yanked me forward. I winced. The strange metal they were made out of cut and chafed my skin. They stopped pulling me until I was face to face with the demon. "I will make your life a living nightmare. Give in to me and," He snapped his fingers and a cloud made a poofing sound. Symbolizing that all the hard things dissapeared. "All your problems are fixed. I'll never bother the Pines family again." 

"But resist and," He clapped his hands. The smoke that had made the poof (A/N: I don't even know what words to use anymore.) and the white smoke turned into a mini mushroom cloud. He grinned "I'll make your life a living hell." I pause. "How can I trust you if I don't even know whats in that cage?" Bill shrugs. "You'll find out eventually. You always do. Enjoy your stay!" With that, he dissapeard. 

I hope Mabel is okay. 

Mabel's POV

As fast as night had came, morning soon arrived. I swiped the hair out of my face and stretched. "Good morning Dipper!" No answer. Weird. He's usually awake by now. He's probably just asleep. I was able to splash some water across the room onto Dipper's bed. "Dip? Are you awake?" No answer. "Dipper!! This isn't funny!" 

Still no answer. Okay. I'll admit. I was desperate. Plus, Dipper is usually the one who (somehow) manages to push my aquarium down the stairs. I flopped out of the container and flopped around like a dead fish trying to make some progress on getting downstairs. Good news. I got down the stairs. Bad news. I fell down the stairs. On the bright side, I can add new splinters to my collection! 

"Mabel?! Sweetie?! What are you doing??" Grunkle Stan says. I push myself up. Hair draping down my shoulders and in front of my face. "Dipper!!! He's not! He's not!" I struggle to get the words out. "I can't see him! He wont answer!" Stan runs up the stairs. His stone skin making loud "CLUNKS" up the stairs. 

He comes back down a few seconds later. "He's not in his bed." panic rises in my chest. "Maybe he's in the bathroom!" "I didn't see him anywhere Mabel." "Where could he have gone?!" "I don't know sweetheart. We'll ask Ford. He know's a lot of things." He picks me up and puts me in a kiddie pool that we blowed up a few days ago.

"Sixer!!" Stan calls out. "Not now Stan! I'm..... Busy! Doing Science stuff!" "Dipper is missing!" In a matter of seconds, Ford arrives. Half on his paws and half on his hind legs. He was covered in pink yarn. Stan sighs. "Were you playing with that yarn again?" "Uh... No. What happened to Dipper!?" 

"I don't know!" I say. "I just wake up and he's not there!" "Hmm. Maybe he went outside." "I don't think so Sixer. Me and you would have heard it. Why don't we ask the kids parents. Their still here right?" I nod. "Good Idea. You go. I don't want to gain another thousand splinters in my tail." I watch as both of them rush off to my parents room. They come back with terrified expressions on their faces. "What?! What is it!?" 

"Your parents..." Stan starts. "Their not there." Ford finishes. "What?!? Theres no possibility that they left last night. Their car is still here." I state. Ford sighs. "Something is definitely going on here. And I think I might know the culprit who stole your parents and kidnapped Dipper." "Who?!" Me and Stan ask in union. "This." Ford starts. "Is the work of Bill Cipher."      

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