Chapter Twelve

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Mabel's POV

Soon enough, I hear the familiar clop of hooves against wood. "Mabel? What happened? Is Wendy okay?" "Never better." Wendy says sarcastically. She opens her mouth to show Dipper her mouth. Ford stands behind Dipper "Okay. Ford, we might have to tell our parents about.... Um... This. I mean, Wendy hasn't been shot with that ray thingie." "Couldn't we just zap her now?" Ford shrugs. "Its almost sunset and the effect of the ray will wear off when you wake up tomorrow." 

I sigh. Ugh. All of this monster business is so ANNOYING! It really sweetens my Smile Dip! "Dippy. Can you push me to where mom and dad are. I want to talk to them." "No problem Mabel." He grabs the handles of my tank and pushes me to the living room. "Me and Ford have a theory about how Bill was able to come back." "Nice." I say glumly. "Talk to me later. Can't we just be normal kids for one day when were in Gravity Falls?!" Dipper chuckles. "I wish. We already Bill proofed the Shack. Now all we need to do is Bill proof our lives." 

I laugh. I go by my parents and Dipper kneels by them. He takes out one of the journals and starts flipping through it. "What's that you got there Dipper?" our mom asks. Dipper says casually. "A journal about all of the messed up stuff in Gravity Falls. I can show you some of the non threatening stuff." He looks at me. "Mabel, how would you rate the gnomes as threatening?" I shrug. "Probably on the Forced Marriage part of it." Dipper nods. "Good point. Ooh! Remember Shmebulock??! He was nice!" "Yes he was. The only somewhat sane one out of those gnomes." 

"Excuse me kids, but have your imagination been growing?" Geez. Even after they see a dorito demon they STILL refuse to believe everything. "Come on. Lets take a walk mom and dad." Dipper pushes me out while being followed by our parents. "Okay. Before we go deeper into these woods, first some rules. Follow me at all times. If you see something dangerous, let me know. I might know how to take it down." Then he perked up as if remembered something. 

"I'm gonna go tell Stan that were going for a walk." Dipper leaves momentarily and I swim to the bottom of my tank. Laying down flat pondering the meaning of life. "Oh Shooting Star. I would be overjoyed to give you that answer..."  

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