Chapter Twenty One

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Sorry for the slow updates guys. I feel like this book sucks a lot so I like, cringe every time I look at it. I'll finish it to see how it ends. Anyway, I'm sorry if this sucks a lot. Honestly, I don't even have plans for this. I'm just writing as I go. That's why it sucks really bad. But here's a chapter. (Also if someone would be so kind in the comments to tell me what the crap is the au that everyone hates as much as Dippy Fresh where Dipper goes to Taco Bell. Thank you.) (Ps. I'm running out of pictures so if their isn't any pictures twored the end of the story, that's why.)

Mabel's POV

As if Dipper being kidnapped wasn't bad enough, there was this new so called Monster Virus spreading. We heard it on the news. Apparently its like a more weird version of the Zombie Virus. Scientists estimated that someone (or something) put a chemical in the air that when it hit people's lungs, it spread some sort of bacteria in their body that turned them all into different monsters. We all thought the same thing. Bill. 

It was obvious. We had no idea what Bill wanted. Or how he spread the virus. But all we knew was that he had Dipper in his presence. And we needed to get him back. Unfortunately, I couldn't do much but try to stay positive. All this looking for Dipper stuff seemed to involve legs. I didn't have legs anymore. And it wasn't exactly everyone's idea of paradise to push around a huge aquarium around everywhere. Dang it. I actually wish I had legs. 

The Monster virus was spreading fast. Almost everyone in town had been effected by it. At first, I was exited to be a mermaid. But now, I wish I had my legs back. And my hair was wet all the time. There was no getting it dry. I needed only a little bit of moisture in order to breathe. The salt water in the aquarium made my hair smell like salt and I couldn't wash it out. I needed a break. I needed to find my brother. 

I begged, I pleaded, and I cried. But Ford wouldn't let me go with them. Gideon, Pacifica, Stan, and Ford were all going out to see if they could find at least a trace of where Dipper was. "He's MY brother!! Why can't I go with you!" "We need a lookout for the shack. And besides, its not like you can get anywhere fast." Ford gestured to my tail and I frowned. 

"I could find a nearby river! Or I could search the lake!" "The only thing you'll find in that lake is garbage, and maybe a Gobblewonker or two." I felt like I should be worried about the "or two" comment but I ignored it. "But Grunkle Ford! Dipper's my brother! Can you please just make an exception-" Annnndddd he walked out. Great. Its just me, the Shack, and my aquarium. 

I was trying to come up with a way to escape to a river or something. It hurt my head. This was usually Dipper's job. I wondered how he could stand it. Being the leader and the thinker isn't as hard as it looks kids. 

I lay on my back looking through the salty water of my tank. I flip my tail up and I look outside. The sun is starting to go down. The orange colored light shone through the closed blinds on the windows. "Don't fall asleep Mabel." I mentally told myself. I was getting a bit drowsy and I didn't want to fall asleep. Not now. Then a voice that definitely not mine said "I'm afraid you don't have a choice Mabel." I quickly noted the voice as Dipper's and then crashed. 

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