Chapter Nineteen

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OKay I know this has nothing to do with the AU but I found it during the Summer and its a must watch! Bring the Tissues cause its gonna make you cry. The song is called Colors by Halsey. I promise the song is clean. Any YouTube video I put on here is clean. It just talks/refers to drugs and the song is about not doing drugs but other then that, it's one of my favorite songs on the planet. 

Mabel's POV

Annndddd ladies and gentlemen, this is when things went... lets just say.... weird. Then again, this is Gravity Falls. I should be used to weird by now. 

Anyway, after Ford confirmed the one possibility that no one wanted to mention, it was silent. I didn't want to believe it. Not one word. But my inner conscience told me otherwise. Sometimes the Mabel inside has good things to say, but other times... Not so much.

Then, we heard the doorbell ring. Ford walked over to it and was about to answer it when the door got busted down. "STANFORD PINES!!" Well isn't this just perfect. I knew that voice anywhere. Gideon. This shouldn't be a problem though. He's friends with us. Maybe the Gnomes attacked his house again or something. (don't ask. Lets just say that there is an ongoing war with the Gnomes right now. Ever since they ditched us and sided with Gideon, things have been... dicey with them.) 

"Whoa Gideon! What happened to you?" Grunkle Stan's voice echoed from the door. "You guys must have done this to me! Your the only answer to whatever happened here!" a different voice says "Yeah! Do you know how hard it is to get perfect hair with these??" Pacifica. I couldn't help it. I got out of my kiddie pool and (as quietly as I could) flopped to the door. My tail wasn't visible from where they were so they could only see me from the waist up. 

"Gideon! Pacifi- Oh. Uh... I like the change of... hairstyle Pacifica! And Gideon! You look really pale! You should get that checked out!" I tried to act like things were normal. But things weren't normal. In fact, Pacifica had snakes in her hair. Actually, as I got a closer look at her, her hair WAS made out of snakes! The same blonde as her old hair was. I mean, however that works. I noticed that she had a yellow snake tail curling up behind her. Every few seconds, an angry snake tongue would slip out of her mouth. Revealing sharp fangs. 

Speaking of fangs, Gideon had a nice set of e'm. Even more impressive then Pacifica's. His skin was so pale, it looked almost as blue as his suit. He was wearing a cape and had an umbrella. Otherwise, he looked normal. Well, as normal as you could get. "Whats going on??" I ask Ford. "It must be some sort of virus. Tell me Gideon, is anyone else in Gravity Falls looking monster-ish?" "Try the whole town. Ya'll were the first people I thought could be the cause of this." He peeked over to me. "Hi Mabel!" I wave back. Pacifica pushed passed Gideon. "Look here! I have a party in five minutes! You have no idea what my parents will do to me if they find me like this! Help us!!" 

Ford looks in the distance. "Well my girl, I might know who's behind this. But you wont like the answer. Come inside. We need to talk." I give a promising smile. About two seconds into the Shack, they noticed something was wrong. "Hold on a didally darn second! are you guys monsters too??" Ford nodded. "Glad you noticed kid." "Uh... Grunkle Stan? A little help over here." I was basically stuck. I had enough slivers in my scales. I didn't need more. Plus, there was so many pecies of wood in the scales that it started to bleed a little bit. I found out a few days ago when I papercutted myself that water heals me faster. 

He put me back into my pool and I gave him a thumbs up with a grin. "Thanks Grunkle Stan!" "No problem kid. We can't all have legs." "Ugh. Tell me about it." I hear Pacifica say. "Hey wheres that nerd brother of yours by the way?" "Um... The location of which the person you speak of is unknown." "What? You mean you lost him?" "No. We mean he was kidnapped." 

Dipper's POV 

I don't know how long I was out for. I just remember that sickening grinning face that hovered above me before I was out. It tortured my thoughts. Just when I was about to get rid of it, it just popped back into my head. Reminding me of where I am. Who I was facing. And it still haunts me to this day. 

Suddenly, my eyes shot open and I lurched forward. I screamed. Then, I felt nauseous. I leaned over and threw up. Bottled up panic rose back up in my chest. My vest was gone. I was only in my orange T-Shirt. My hat must have fallen off because it wasn't there. "Whoa kid. Don't throw up all over me." I looked up and saw the same grinning face. "Have you been floating there the entire time I was asleep?" He shrugged. "Yes. I mean, you were only asleep for a millisecond." "There is no way I was asleep for that short! It felt like hours!" "Yeah well thats just how time works here in the Mindscape. Deal with it kid."

It was silent for about two minutes. Then, my curiosity got the best of me. "Why?" I blurted out. Bill looked at me. He had floated to another part of the Mindscape. His back to me. "Why what kid." "When you were doing magic or whatever. You had me in a place to kill me. Why didn't you kill me when you could have?" Bill looked annoyed. "Look kid. All you need to know is that I realized I needed to keep you alive. For now." "Oh well isn't that encouraging." Bill floated over to me in a blink of an eye. His uncovered eye turned red. His hands lit with blue fire. "Remember what happened last time you tried sarcasm with me boy!?! Do you want that to happen again??!" "If I have to get through it in order to get back to my family, then I have absolutely no problem with it!" 

I stared him down. It was a silent starring contest. His eye still red and flames still licking on his finger tips. I won. Bill calmed himself down. I heard him whisper to himself "Just get the boy to come to terms. Then you can tear away at his essence and the Pines family will be dead. Just remember what your therapist said." "You have a therapist?" "You. Didn't. Hear. Anything." He says in between gritted teeth. 

"Okay okay geez. What do you want with my essence anyway?" "Well sense your going to be just an empty shell in a few days, I might as well tell you. I have your essence, I get more power. I get more power you and the rest of your mindless family will go explode. Makes sense for your human brain? Oh yeah. I forgot to mention that I'm taking your family's essence too and that I'm going to turn your family into my new small army of demons! That will make me so much more powerful then I already am. And you remember what happened during Weirdmaggeddon..." "Well you won't have my essence! I'm not going to give it to you!" "Oh well look what we have here! A Pine Tree that strikes back! Oh you'll give in and I'll make you!" 

He snapped his fingers and Electricity sparkled around me. Now, you might be thinking that this looks like one of those funny cartoons where the main antagonists gets electrocuted and its as funny as heck. Well don't laugh now. Because I can say by experience that being shocked by lightning is not funny. It hurts even more then rubbing salt on a wound. More then being shot at. I felt like rusty nails were stabbing my Skeletal system, and my Nervous system. Finally, the pain subsided. "We all know that Pine Trees get cut down or burnt eventually. Lets see how long it takes for you to burn shall we?"

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