Chapter Twenty Three

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Song: Nightcore Sad Song by We The Kings Its a clean song. I can't find any new pictures so Ima just do songs.

Okay so I wanted to post some Nightcore stuff on here but I was scared because I was worried all of you guys reading this would think that Nightcore is stupid and hate on meh. But I decided to post Nightcore songs simply because (don't kill me) I think the Nightcore version of Sad Song is better. If you don't know what Nightcore is, It's basically the song but its faster and more high pitched. Don't ask why their whole thing is Anime pictures. Cause I don't know. Please no hate.

Mabel's POV

I woke up with a gasp and sat up. It was dark and I was still alone in the Shack. It was silent. My hair floated around me like seaweed. I can answer this question for you. Yes it is possible to cry underwater. That's exactly what happened. I spent the next few hours just sitting there. Thinking about what I had witnessed before everyone came back. 

Of course, they came back with no luck on even finding a trace of my brother. I told everyone about my dream. Everyone was silent. Until Ford spoke up. "Why don't we sleep on it. It's been a long day for everyone. We'll talk about it more tomorrow." I wanted to talk back. Say something. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. 

Everyone wen't home. Soon, it was just me, Ford, and Stan. It took an extra hour just to get up the stairs. I was starting to see why mer people live in the ocean and not on the ground. I couldn't sleep. There was too much to think about. And after my dream, the only thing that crowded my thoughts was poor Dipper's face in my dream. 

I decided that if I couldn't sleep, I better make the most of my time. It took a while. But I finally was able to scoot my tank to the edge of the stairs. (We added wheels on the bottom to make it easier.)

"Okay Mabel." I say to myself. "Get ready." I scoot a little bit forward and soon the whole shack was filled with sounds of destruction. I controlled the giant glass box as much as I could. I crashed down the wooden stairs and jerked the whole thing to the right. When I got to the door, I braced myself. The aquarium had enough force in it that it knocked down the door. 

Good news: I was out of the Shack. 

Bad News: The aquarium flung me out so I guess I'll just have to scooch from here. Heh. Scooch. Thats a funny word.

It took me for freaking ever to reach civilization. (In my case, water) It wasn't the lake, but a small river that was deep enough to swim in. I silently thanked the heavens and dove in. I followed the current hoping it would take me somewhere. And oh boy it did. 

While I was swimming, I saw multiple mutated fish and other creatures who were effected by the Monster Plague. I felt bad for them. They looked horrible. Some had three eyes and others had tiny fins but a huge head so it was just sitting there at the bottom of the river because it was too heavy. I swear if Bill's trying to be funny with this-

A warm glow of light appeared above me. It was the sun. Now that the sun was coming up, I started to feel tired. A voice in my head echoed in a slow drowsy voice. "Sleep." it told me. Maybe just a little sleep wont hurt. 

My eye lids grew heavy. I couldn't help it. I feel to the bottom of the lake and everything went black. Before I knew it, black and white landscape laid before  me. 

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