Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: I'm so sorry I haven't updated!! I've actually been working on a different story on One Note with ma friend. It has the Superhero Oc's in it from my other book Into The Night. I've been so distracted with that I actually forgot about this for a little bit. I promise I will try to update as much as possible. Also, I'm sorry if this story doesn't make any sense. It's not really my best work and I'm making this up as I write.  Anyway, Enjoy the story!!

Dipper's POV

"This is so weird. No one is here. I swear we are not insane." I add in a panic. "Don't worry about it bro bro!!" Mabel adds cheerfully. "This just means that they Mystery Twins are back in business!" "I know Mabel but-" "Why dont we go back to the Shack? We can see if Wendy has her.... Um... Defineatly werewolf problems fixed." I face palm at my sister. 

Unfortunately, I had to admit that Mabel was right. We needed to confess to our parents sometime. I mean, we can't keep this a secret forever. And Wendy might have been in trouble. 

I follow Mable out the direction we came. I knew these woods like I knew the back of my hand. There was a permentate Map engraved in my brain. By the time we get back to the Shack, the sun is starting to go down. Thank the heavens that we got back before dark. We open the door and walk in. "We're back!" Mabel says. We hear a deep growl. Then the sound of chaos. Chairs being knocked over, plates being broken, and even food spilling out of cabinets. 

All my thoughts are suddenly jumbled up in one big ball. For a moment, me and Mabel just stand there shocked. Then our senses come to us and we bolt (Correction: I pushed her) into the kitchen. The sight is almost as horrible as my dream with Bill. 

Shattered glass litters the ground. Ford is unconscious on the ground and Stan is still on his feet. His face is a mix of concern, and confidence. But the most terrifying thing of all was in the center of the room. The table was smashed to pieces and on top of the smashed table, was Wendy. 

She had fur all over her body and her eyes were glowing yellow. She was on all fours and had a tail that seemed to go on forever. She growled and looked directly at me. Vicious hunger seemed to come from all around her. And I wished I wasn't part deer. Mabel looked.... Terrified. It was still for a moment. Fortunately, our parents hadn't followed us to the kitchen. They stayed on the porch to talk. 

"Wendy?" I made a huge mistake by talking. She lunged straight at me and pushed me to the ground. I could feel her razor claws dig into my legs. Dragging me away. "Mabel!" She looked panicked. She had no legs and couldn't control where she went. How would I get out of this???     

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