Chapter Twenty Two

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Yay! Another update!! No picture for today. Ya'll get a song instead!!! Yay!!! *jazz hands* The song is called Panic Room by Au/Ra. It is clean but very dark and says the opposite of Heaven in it but it's talking about the place. So if your a cinnamon roll reading this alone, at night, in your room, I wouldn't listen to it just yet. But here ya go! 

Mabel's POV

In my dream, I had my two legs back. I immediately recognized the place as the Mindscape. I was a mix of emotions. Anger. Sadness. But most of all, Joy. In my dreams, I saw Dipper again. For the first time in what seemed like a decade. But all of the joy was soon replaced by sadness. He was curled up in a ball on the grey grass. He looked like he was sleeping. But I somehow knew he wasn't. He had burn marks all over his body and slashes that were bleeding on his legs. His hands were scraped raw from something. He had lost his hat and his hair was messy. "Dipper! Are you okay??" I tried to run over to him but my legs moved like they were trapped in tar. My voice was quiet. Not loud enough for him to hear me. (Any one of you have thoes dreams? Their probably one of the worst things ever XD)

Was I imagining what he said to me before I went to sleep? This must be some sort of vision to what was actually happening. Someone or thing was showing me this. I knew it was Bill. He was trying to taunt me. That just filled me with anger. I couldn't do anything. I thought it was bad enough to see my brother like this, but the worst was yet to come. 

I stood in horror as my least favorite demon's silhouette appeared. Except it was more human then normal. "You ready to give in now Pine Tree?" Dipper's eyes remained shut. He moved his hands to the side of his head. "No no no no no. You can't make me." The demon chuckled. "Have it your way Pine Tree. But know this." He snapped and blue chains appeared on all of Dipper's limbs. "You'll break soon enough. Something I've learned from being in this pathetic human world is that humans are breakable. It won't take long till your branches snap and your pine needles fall to the ground." 

Bill slashed Dipper's face with some sort of knife. New blood dripped down his face. Dipper winced and opened his eyes. I saw the reason why he was closing them. I hadn't noticed before when he was covering his face but there was a slash that was red and dried with blood across his right eye. The eye was white. The other eye didn't look any better. It looked exactly like Bill's eye. 

Do you know how hard it is to watch someone you love suffer? I stood there tears forming in my eyes. I wanted to run over to my brother and hug him. Tell him everything  would be okay. I couldn't just stand there and do nothing. I tried to move but it was like walking through amber. I was forced to watch in horror as Bill repeatedly beat my own brother. Then casually walked away. He mumbled something about how the Demon Breath must be working but that was a different problem. 

It was weird. The moment Bill walked away, I unfroze and fell on my face but I got up fast. I knew this was a dream but it didn't matter. I ran to hug my brother and he must have seen me. But ignored me. I could touch him and I held his head. "It's okay. Were coming Dipper." And then I woke up.

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