Chapter 19

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"Ugh! I hate funerals but I must be here for Emma's emotional support." Daniel mentally complained as he gently hugged Emma who was crying during the Memorial of her father. "I've j ju just got him back a month ago during the final Siren Assault!" Enterprise cried out with Johanna as their respective assistants were trying to comfort them. Even everyone under Jack's command were there for emotional support to the family he left behind. When it was time, the flag ontop of the casket was folded up and handed over to the family before it was lowered into the ground and Enterprise gathered all of here strength as she grabs a shovel to begin the burial process and one by one everyone shoveled in a scoop of dirt before handing it to the next person until it reached Emma who wasn't able to do it until Daniel grabbed one of her arms and placed it on the shovel as they placed the last of the dirt on top of the grave. "Let's go home." He suggested but Emma stayed behind with her mother as Daniel got a notification on his phone causing him to look at it. "Excuse me Belfast I got an errand to run to and could you please take Emma home." "Will do Daniel." She responds as rain starts to pour over the widow and her daughter making Belfast grab an umbrella and held it over the two as she guides them to her car.

At home helping Belfast cook dinner. "Hey Belfast where did Daniel go In such a hurry?" "Something came up to which he had to run to but he's going to see you later today or tomorrow I believe." "Alright Belfast anyway-." The front door was broken into causing the two in the kitchen to jump. "Emma you and your mother need to see this!" "See what aunt Jo?" "This!" Johanna then shows a letter to her niece. "Okay, Bel could you get mom please."

Fast forward.
"So dad was still fighting them even when he was captured?" "By the looks of the letter of regret, he knew he was at a loss and decided to do the ultimatum." "Which was?" Enterprise asked as she took some coffee. "Not resisting but he kept a small part of his concious alive with an unkown amount of willpower which would be enough to become a green lantern if one were to exist in this universe." "And thanks to that he was able to do their bidding for a while until that battle where you mad him regain his conciousness Emma." "Thank you Commander for this letter, we'll treasure it as a reminder of my husband." The Commander rose up and left towards the door. "Oh sorry about breaking in it was an emergency to notify you about the letter the repair crew found on my Yatch while they were cleaning up the damage my brother caused." "It's alright at least we still have a few other locks to keep the door shut but we will have to exit through the backdoor." Belfast said as she accepted the apology.

Meanwhile at a Jewelry Store in the mall, Daniel was examining the ring he ordered custom made. "So how's the ring?" The Jewelry Store Owner asked. "I love the details and the design making it resemble an airplane even it's wings are in the shape of a heart and hopefully she'll love it!" The Owner smiled as he puts the ring back in its box before heading towards the register. "I just can't wait for Saturday to propose to Emma." He thought to himself as he left the store and heads towards another store.

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