Chapter 14

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A week has past by and not only Emm was happy to see Daniel out of his cell, their school bully William was dishonorably discharged from the Academy and Daniel was given his prosthetic leg back before he and Emma left towards the skating rink. Daniel then finds his locker to find a huge load of Love Letters flowing from his locker. "Don't tell me." He sighed as Emma helped him up. "Its those girls you've been telling me about." "Sadly yes, but ignore them and we'll be fine for a while." Emma said as she puts on her skates and weights on some parts of her Training clothes as Daniel did the same. "Why is it that I feel like Alita Battle Angel." "One, you have weighted armor. Two, you've detached your prosthetic for a skater's prosthetic that can have the air either sucked in or out." Daniel fidgets around his new leg until he felt the air decompressing out. "Hope it's the one the Commander of Azur Lane Pearl Harbor told me about." "Don't worry it's the one we made in preparation for your arrival and it has button straps for that belt you left on the bench." Daniel stood in attention at the voice. "Co Commander what are you doing here?" "No need to call me Commander when I'm off duty, Daniel just call me Aunt Jo just like my niece Emma whenever I'm off duty or when it's just us doing a personal conversation." "You know I never actually had an aunt even though my dad has a sister but she kind of disowned me as her nephew when I was three months old according to my dad." "Sorry to hear that but I'll do everything to fill up that void your biological aunt left you." "Thank you Aunt Jo!" Daniel said as he gave the Commander a hug. "Now were you two going to train?" "Yes ma'am!" "I'll man the controls so that we could start the Training for him as he needs to get used to the Prosthetic Skate." Johanna said as she mentioned Daniel who went in first holding the rails until he could find his balance. Once inside Daniel carefully stepped onto the the treadmill that Emma described before signaling to the control room that he was ready.Emma then joined in and together the two cadets were able to dodge the obstacles for the next hour and a couple of wind speed changes later before they each went back to their dorms as they had a long day ahead.

The next day, the two walked into class and sat down next to each other. Throughout the whole day, Emma wasn't able to concentrate  in her studies since some of her fellow students were 'quietly' talking to each other about getting Daniel for themselves. During lunch, they decided to eat at the Commander's personal dining room with Belfast and Commander Johanna Thompson. "Is something wrong Emma?" Johanna asked her niece. "Its these girls they want Daniel but what if they are in a relationship with another student?" "How so?" "Last night before you arrived to see us train in the wind tunnel, Daniel opened his locker and was ambushed by an avalanche of love letters!" "I believe Ms. Thompson that these ladies need a proper discipline on being loyal to their boyfriend but at least Angel and Alexander are on a friendship basis with these two they should be excluded." "That's a great idea Belfast, I'll see if the Academy will allow it."

Throughout the spring break while Daniel, Emma, Angel, and Alex took off for the break, the female cadets at the Academy were being worked to being a proper lady to prevent them from cheating on their boyfriends. By the time they got back, Daniel went on to check on his locker where he found everything out of place but still organized. "I had my stuff in order from first to last period!" "Same here but is yours in alphabetical order?" Emma asked the others. "Same here but I'm more into number order right now! Cause my homework is in different places and not in periodical order!" Commander Thompson came to look at the commotion. "Looks like they've changed but they kind off messed you up." "Great and class starts in 8 hours!" "Well what are you waiting for organize them! And I'll let you guys keep your locker maintenanced to yourselves." "Thanks Aunt Jo!" Emma said as Angel and Alexander gave her a confused look. "Aunt Jo?" "It's a long story guys I'll tell you while we fix our lockers." Emma said as she starts to take off her stuff from her lockers.

After a long night of explaining and reorganizing their stuff, Emma wakes up ontop of Daniel's chest and tried to move until she realizes that he's hugging her. Her boyfriend then stirs before waking up and finding out that his arms were around his girlfriend they then ended up blushing and crawling backwards before realizing the time was 7 am and about an hour before class causing them to wake up their friends and head towards their dorms and get ready for class.

5 classes later, they found themselves in Phys Ed and the instructor announced to the  top 10 students who were going to graduate early that they will start to do meditation so that the wisdom cubes react and fuse them to the ships that were arriving at port by tow from other ships including an Aircraft Carrier. After classes were done they went down towards the docks to check out the new ships but the registries and names were covered up and onboard a Carrier, two people were finished covering the registry. Aunt Hornet! Sister!" Emma yelled out running towards the two who noticed her and her boyfriend running towards them. The fence between the docks and land blocked the four as they meet up. "Let's go towards the gate first you two!" Hornet said as Unicorn smiled as she saw her adopted sister.

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