Chapter 6

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Emma was nervous as she looks at the  clock signaling that it was 20 to 6 pm. "Emma if they said they'll be here they'll be here." Belfast said as she finished preparing the dining room table. "I'm sorry Belfast, but I'm nervous about tonight's outcome." Belfast chuckles as she hears the doorbell ring and goes to see who it was. Looking through the door's peephole, she was able to recognize Daniel and a couple others she assumed were his parents. "Come on in it's cold outside." She said as soon as she opens the door. Emma seed Daniel and immediately hugs him and he hugs her back. "Glad you're here Daniel!" Emma said as she pulls a chair out for him as Daniel blushes. "Emma I know I'm a guest at your house but its manners for a guy to pull out a chair for a beautiful lady like you and to seat her." Emma then blushes as they switched positions as the adults laughed. "They're so cute with their manners and the way they blush." Belfast said causing the adults to smile and the young adults to look at them with an even deeper blush.

Once they got settled in, they talked about their jobs, their hobbies, and among other things until after the dessert that Daniel's family brought. The adults then excused Daniel and Emma from the table before they started talking. "You know the way both Daniel and Emma interact with eachother looks like they're enjoying eachother's presence and Daniel everytime he's been walking Emma home these past few days, he always stayed until Emma enters the house." Daniel's dad laughed. "I taught him that whenever we had some of his friends in the car, I told him that's better to stay until the door opens letting them imside before leaving." "I'm glad that you raised your son to be a gentleman Harry just like I raised her to be a lady." For the next hour the parents talked about letting their kids be in a relationship with eachother as Daniel and Emma were playing Chess inwhich neither of them was able to win except for one each. "Daniel! Emma! Can you please come to the Kitchen!" Belfast said to the two young adults who quickly puts the board and pieces back in the box. "We talked about you two for a while and we all agree on giving your relationship a greenlight along with reasons of what not to do. 1: No sex until marraige. 2: You must be home by 10 pm. And among a few other reasons." Belfast explains. "So that means we're both together now?"  Emma asked as the adults nodded.

A few days later, Daniel and Emma walked into the academy hand in hand causing their friends to look at them. "Daniel first of all you are shy among the girls but now all of a sudden you look happy not only with one but holding her hand too." "Well I had dinner at her house a few days ago and they agreed on us being in a relationship under some conditions which I will tell you later Alexander." Alexander shrugs as he switched topics. Meanwhile Emma was explaining some details to her friend Angel about her new relationship with Daniel along with the conditions they both had to follow.

Hours later in their history class with Mr. Holmes, they were paired up for a group project related to what they've learned so far in class. "So Emma I was thinking going for either a 'Monitor V Merrimack' or the 'Old Ironside Constitution' as our project what do you think?" "I'm thinking that we should do both since oobe off the lessons we learned so far was 'How war Evolved Throughout Time'." "That's a great idea merging two points of history into one project!" The bell rang signifying the end of school causing everyone to head home. Along the way home, they stopped at the library to check out books on the Monitor and Merrimack along with that of the USS Constitution before stopping for a Shamrock Shake at McDonald's to which Daniel paid for both of them. Handing one to Emma he said. "This is for you Emma my Lucky E." Emma blushes before responding as she took her shake. "That was my mom's old nickname that is now under 'quote on quote' since she wasn't Lucky to survive 'The Battle' and tommorow's date marks the 13th anniversary of her passing." Daniel decides to embrace his girlfriend into a hug and said. "Tell me what time to pick you up tommorow and we can both hit the places you wanted to go with your mom." The two stopped by the door at Emma's house where Belfast took a photo without their knowledge until she spoke. "Awww! You two look cute cuddlimg eachother while discussing a date plan!" Emma pushes Daniel over as she was about to punch someone until she recognizes it was Belfast. "Now, now, miss Emma you know its not a wise idea to hit your elders as you were about to." "Sorry Belfast didn't see you there and how long were you standing there?" "Long enough to take a picture of you and your boyfriend." Belfast explained before doing her signature smirk.

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