Chapter 10

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Author's Note: Sorry for the long wait but I had a lot of work this past week with putting cases of Water onto trucks and organizing them since there's a huge load of them being delivered these days and I've been coming home tired and unable to think of another chapter until a few hours past the time I go sleep so here it is:

The morning came and Belfast was the first to enter to see Ark Royal on a chair unconscious and all tied up. "Ark Royal do you ever learn your lesson when it comes to sneaking towards Emma?" "How'd I get into this chair?" "It was me and once again I ended up knocking you out since about 10 years ago you thought it was cute to see me 'play fighter'." "At this rate you might be getting a restraining order so please control yourself." "Fine but first can someone untie this rope." Belfast unties the rope for Ark Royal before she ran off. "Now that's out of the way how'd you sleep?"

Emma starts to explain about her strange dream to which Belfast was paying attention to and waited for her to finish before popping the question. "So you're saying that the mysterious woman from a few days ago was your mom?" "I think so Belfast its just that I'm unsure since I think I'm hallucinating due to the medication or something." "Well I think we need to see her again when when we're not in a battle or hospitalized." "That's true Belfast and speaking of hospitalized What's the deal on Daniel?" "Don't worry all of his friends have started to pitch in for his new leg." "And don't forget the cost of Rehab cause my friend said that he's got enough money for both things and sorry for barging into your conversation." "Its alright as long as you don't do it again."

Fast Forward a few months

"So you guys won't be able to come back to Pearl Harbor?" Daniel asked as he was on the video call with his friend Alex. "Yeah but at least we get time off from school." "Alex I'm currently working on an essay about the importance of being part of a team since I'm currently doing it as part of an online course until class returns to normal within a month or two and I suggest you should do the same you slacker!" Alex shrugged on the other side of the screen. "Fine! I'll get it going." "Good cause I believe you're falling behind thanks to the Corona Virus thats going around but that's no excuse to stop your studies!" "Oh and how's that leg of your's?" "My broken leg is healed but I keep tripping on the treadmill with one of my prosthetics to which I'd rather do it outside but we can't even leave our houses for two weeks now!" "Jeez that's really serious so are you stocked with food and water along with a ton of toiletries?" "Yep and by the way after going through 10 different stores, I've managed to find hand sanitizer." "Lucky Bastard I've been through the same number and still no hand sanitizer." Daniel chuckled as he heard his mom signal him that food was ready. "Anyways gotta go see ya later Alex." "Same  here Daniel." Daniel hangs up and immediately heads downstairs.

Meanwhile Emma was once again burned the food on the stove again. "Looks like it's another day of MREs Emma." "Its not my fault that I'm distracted Belfast!" "Come with me to the living room and lie down onto the coffee table cause you look tense." "How so?" "I believe that you can't stop thinking about going on more dates with Daniel but this is for everyone's health so please relax as I'll give you a massage." "Fine Belfast, let's get this over with." Emma said as she shuts down the gas and follows Belfast towards the living room.

A short time later after having both a massage and a MRE pack, Emma gets onto a server where she and Daniel often hang out with their friends as she puts on a headset. "Hey Daniel how's everything going at your place?" "It's on the 50 50 side since I'm doing great except for the treadmill to which I keep tripping around and once this is over do you want to come with me to the track and run a few laps together?" Sure would and watch your six!" She said as she noticed someone was sneaking behind them inside the game as Daniel shoots the person. "Thanks for the help had a feeling of being followed." The two went on to continue playing PUBG for an hour before leaving the game and spend more family time with their parents/ guardians hoping that the quarantine would end soon

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