Chapter 12

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Onboard the HMS Belfast, Emma was a little nervous about coming back to her first home and to see family from her dad's side in person after so long. "Emma what's wrong you've been acting strange since we sighted the mainland?" Daniel asked causing Emma to jump. "Sorry just thinking about something." "Whatever it is the four of us are here for you." Daniel replies as he gestured Alex, Angel, Belfast, and himself.

A short time later, Belfast notices the Golden Gate Bridge. "Everyone look ahead it's the Golden Gate Bridge!" Everyone looks at the bridge on awe. "I've always wanted to walk the bridge." "There's plenty of time to do that Daniel but first we must settle ourselves in and adjust to this time zone." "Fine Belfats." Daniel said as he sighed as Belfast docks her ship at the Azur Lane Base of San Francisco. Once the stairs on the docks were placed onto the ship's entryway, the base's doctors ran up in hazmat suits and told the occupants that they had to be checked and quarantined for a while. "Again with this quarantine! We've been tested negative before our transfer!" "Sorry but it's a precaution since San Francisco is in lockdown." "Okay." Emma said as her knees started to shake. "But what if the big one hits?" "Don't tell me you're afraid of Earthquakes?" "Kind of since I'm a light sleeper cause sudden movement or sound can wake me up." She responds while fidgeting with her hands.

A few days later, the five left the ship as they were escorted to the base's Commander. "Commander Thompson the transfer students from Pearl Harbor are here for the briefing." Emma couldn't believe her ears. "Was dad still alive after all these years?" "Come on in." Said a female in a Commander's uniform. "My name is Johanna Thompson and I am the commander of the Azur lane Base of San Francisco and I just can't wait for you to become the next generation of ships! My secretary, Iowa will be giving you a tour of our base, any questions? Cause if not Iowa will be directing to your dorms before the tour." Everyone but Emma stayed to which the Commander noticed. "Are you familiar with the name Jack Thompson?" "Yes he was my older brother why?" "I'm his daughter Emma!" "Emma I haven't seen you in ages except for the photos your grandmother had sent me of you!" The two of them hugged after so long. "Anyways I still blame myself for not getting any of my girls to Santa Monica on time when I was posted in at San Pedro when your father was recently promoted to a Circuit Overseer to which he visited a certain number of Bases to check on them. When he sacrifice his life I couldn't handle the loss and the first transfer notice came by I decided to transfer myself here, where most of the city's is inside a bay." "Please don't act like my mother once did after Midway!" "What do you mean Emma?" "My mom blamed herself for Yorktown's injuries but when she started to become more human, she apologized to my aunt and was grateful for being alive and if I remember what was said on the news, a couple of ship girls came in and destroyed the last of the Siren he blew up." "So what your saying is." "Yes he actually bought the time needed for the ship girls to arrive." "I I never even thought about it!" Commander Thompson said to her niece as tears were coming out. "Emma don't you have to be somewhere?" Emma snaps out and quickly said goodbye to her aunt as she went to catch up with the others. Johanna then looks at a photo of her brother and his wife holding a newborn Emma. "Thank you for everything and I'm sorry for blaming myself for not being able to arrive in time to help." Tears of both Joy and Sadness came out of her eyes as she realized that her brother saved a lot of people in his final minutes.

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