Chapter 2

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13 years ago:

5 year old Emma was playing a game of catch with Unicorn when suddenly a horn blew signifying the arrival of a fleet to which the two ran off towards the docks. Emma arrived at the docks followed by Unicorn who went up towards her three friends. "Hey Javelin, Laffey, Ayanami how was the battle?" The three said nothing as they turned towards Emma and Belfast who who crying as Belfast held the cap while on her shoulders was an eagle. A girl with brown hair and red dress came into tears to. "I never even had the chance to finish the fight with Enterprise." Another person stepped towards the brown haired. "Zuikaku you will still have the chance to do that by training that young girl in Belfast's arms as she is the Grey Ghost's daughter." Zuikaku's eyes changed to that of hope. "Thanks Takao but we need Belfast's permission once the time of mourning is over." Zuikaku responds before looking down. "Just like Ayanami, she sacrificed herself to protect me before that mysterious light surrounded both the traitors Akagi and Kaga, A few Sirens and Enterprise before we saw her full sized Carrier but no sign of her." Zuikaku's eyes filled with tears once more as everyone cried in pain for the loss of a legendary warrior.

Two weeks later:

A memorial was held to honor the life and legacy of Enterprise from the day she was created up to her demise. Belfast talked about how hard it was for Enterprise to grasp her human side of life and to offer a little humor she even told everyone how she even lost a bet to her before finishing. "Even after the death of Commander Jack Thompson, she returned to her old ways but had kept a human heart enough to spend time with the one she left behind her daughter, Emma, who sadly lost both of her parents within the first few years of her life."

A couple hours later:
With the memorial finished, Belfast begins to shovel some dirt to the grave where an empty casket now lies before Zuikaku picked it up and the pattern continued until it was all filled up. Belfast turned to Emma before they left towards home and prepare her for career day the next week.

A week has passed by and Belfast did her normal routine as she tried not to fall into tears as the attire Emma was wearing ressembles the late Enterprise. She then brings her to school and they hugged before Emma ran off to class.

"Okay class today is career day so each and one of you will tell the class what you want to be when you grow up, Daniel will you go up first?"  Said the teacher to a student. "My choice of who to be is a delivery man just like my dad, because I like to see new places everyday and possibly find a famous person or two like my dad did when he took a selfie with an old President who is one of the many customers the company my dad works for has!" Daniel then answered a few questions from his teacher before heading back to his seat. One by one the students came up and did their presentations/explanations to the class until it was Emma's turn. "Emma what do you want to be when you grow up?" I want to be like my mom." "Like your mom! Your mom is a maid not someone who carries a ship on her back!" A student yelled back to which it caught the teacher's attention. "That's enough Will! Now go outside." "Fine by me because you'll find the truth soon." Will said as he leaves the classroom. The teacher turned his attention to Emma who was on her knees crying and grabs a paper that has fallen from her hands to continue. "Before we could continue her presentation, let me tell you that she's had a rough month since she found out that her mom died so if anyone wants to act like Will go outside and join him!" He then puts a comforting hand on Emma's shoulder causing her to look at him. "Its okay now finish that presentation." Emma then takes a deep breath and once again starts to explain. "I want to be like my mom who protected the world from danger. And when she took me skating, she explained that even though she's afraid of the ocean during times of peace she would skate on the water and feel the morning mist and it makes me want to experience what she did." Feeling glad to hear the rest of her explanation, the teacher was glad to listen to what else she had to say about her future career until the lunch bell rang and lets everyone go.

"Will never stops targeting Emma since school began and I've only met her mom once at back-to-school night with someone who has the appearance of a maid and by the looks of it they're just friends and that's where they told me that Belle will be the one who drop off and picks up Emma 99% of the time." The teacher thoughtto himself as he went to the principal's office. "Hey Joe! This kid named Will in my class has been targeting a girl by the name of Emma and today he's gone to far! And I feel like. Calling not only his parents but the cops to." The teacher askes Joe. "I would agree but I need to have proof before we could do it Jim. "Look outside Emma's on the ground in a fetal position and someone's kicking her." Jim said as he shows Joe what's happening.

The two rushed out of the office to stop the commotion as they pulled Will away from the bruised Emma who had passed out from the pain. They decided to make a few quick calls after calling 911.

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