Chapter 1

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In a Los Angeles Suberb

18 year old Emma accompanied by Belfast looked towards her father's grave as she remembers one of the few memories burnt into her.

15 years ago:

3 year old Emma was running around the house but was caught by someone as she tripped. "Emma the beach isn't going anywhere, besides we'll be hitting the pier to have some fun before hitting the water." Another person arrived and took Emma into her arms. "That's just an excuse so that you could beat that Pac Man game Jack." Jack sighs at the words. "Which is why I'm only carrying 4 quarters Enterprise for the Arcade." Jack said as he went to help Belfast pack the 4Runner as she was struggling with some stuff.

Flash Forward:

The family arrived towards the Santa Monica Pier and dropped off Emma, Enterprise, and Belfast while he searched for parking. After 15 minutes, Jack emerged and helped Belfast to set up the Beach chairs, coolers, and the sun umbrella before leaving Belfast and Enterprise as he takes Emma to the Pier. Halfway after putting a second quarter to the PacMan game, a Tsunami alert was in affect alerting the crowd to run to which Jack looks around noticing that the prizes hasn't even falleand tells Emma to get her mom and Belfast and run as far high as possible to which she does. He then looks around and spots a PayTelescope and aims it at the ocean before putting in a coin. Looking at the ocean thru the Telescope he noticed a hovering figure with the looks of a Siren just as he recieved a call from from Enterprise.

Enterprise: Where are you?!
Jack I'm still at the Pier and I'm gonna call my jet.
Enterprise: Why? You don't have enough time to get inside the jet! And you left Emma alone!
Jack notices his jet was arriving: Got to go and please take care of our Little E!
Enterprise: Jack! No we need to-. (Jack hangs up as he fused hopped onto his jet and flips a cover which held a cube to which he closed his eyes as he touches it.

Moments later, Jack emerged from a flash of light fused to his jet. Not thinking about how he looks now that he merged with his jet, Jack willed all of his weapons to online and starts going all out on the Siren who caused the Tsunami. "I know it was you Siren who caused the Tsunami since I noticed that not a single object moved out of its place and the dust wasn't floating around when the Tsunami Alert activated." The Siren laughed before thinking. "And I thought Enterprise was gonna go after me but it turns out to be her weak Husband." "I am not weak just a person with strategy and a strong will!" Jack said as he got the Siren distracted enough to plunge her deep underwater where he detonates an active missile killing himself in the process.

On the mainland, Enterprise looked at the ocean in shock as a mushroom like cloud eminated from it emerged. Not willing to shed a tear so that she could be strong for Emma she grabs her daughter as Belfast guides her through open spaces thru the crowd as they head towards high ground.

Hours later Belfast was holding a sleeping Emma as she guides an emotionally distraught Enterprise home which wasn't affected by the Tsunami's wave of destruction. Once inside, Belfast puts Emma to bed and Enterprise hits the kitchen to grab a box of ration bars and left towards the room she shared with Jack and locks the door behind her. As for Emma was being conforted by Belfast who was doing her best at comforting the young child.

After seeing Emma fall asleep again, Belfast left the child's room and heads towards Enterprise's room. Belfast notices that the door was locked and decides to knock. "Go away Belfast!" Enterprise responds as she wanted to be alone. "Ms Enterprise please I just want to talk and see if you need anything." "I understand Belfast and the only thing I need is some alone time!" Belfast sighed as she left Enterprise alone and heads towards the kitchen to check the ration bars. Noticing that the box of rations was gone, she goes to where the keys were hung and grabs a set before heading back to Enterprise's room. Opening the door, Belfast noticed that not only Enterprise was fast asleep but a lot of wrapping paper for the rations were scattered around. She then left the room and locked it up again before retreating to the guest room for. The night.

After falling asleep for a few hours, Enterprise recieved a dream which caused her to wake up in a hurry and starts looking around her room for a safe causing her to wake up Belfast who immediately knocks. "Ms Enterprise are you alright?" Enterprise opens the door to let the maid in. "Yes and No! Cause I need help looking for a safe!" For the next hour, Belfast helped Enterprise find the safe and the Will left by Jack. After reading the will over and over, Enterprise realized that he wanted them to return to Pearl Harbor incase The Sirens return.


"Father it was on this day, that you not only stopped a Siren attack, you also changed Aerial Warfare and now humans can merge with vehicles of war to fight the enemy on Land, Sea, and Air." Emma said as she puts a bouquet of flowers that gave out the looks of Pac Man. "Everytime I go to the arcade, I always play Pac Man hoping to be a great strategist like you were and you never had the chance of getting to the level where the Power Pellets never worked but with grandpa's experience, he helped me get through it." Emma finished as she knew that as a strategist, she must also follow some advice from other people to see if the mission will succeed. She then proceeds to a moment of silence. Emma then leaves a couple of quarters on the tombstone and reminds her father. "You still have a couple quarters left to play the game." She then turned to Belfast signalling her that she's ready to leave and head back home to Hawaii where she lived most of her life.

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