Chapter 11

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The next day Daniel was looking at a lot of sports website stating that the upcoming events and possibly events are being canceled such as the MLS, NBA, NHL, MLB, ARCA Menards Series with their East and West Series, All top three NASCAR series along with its Wheelen Euro Series, Formula 1, and IndyCar. "Man and school was supposed to have a break on the last week of March to which I'd be hitting Irwindale Speedway in California and getting my unopened Hailee Deegan diecast autographed." Daniel said as he sighed at the recent news before getting a live stream ready to tell the news before hitting a game on the Playstation 4. "Hello everyone before we get started I'd like to tell you that sports like the NBA, NASCAR, ARCA, FORMULA 1, INDYCAR, MLS, NHL, and the MLB have been postponed due to the Covid19 that's sweeping the world and according to the Nascar Wheelen Euro Series they've moved up the season opener to June 6 and 7 and what was to be the first race will be the Finals." He then continued on before going online to play some NASCAR Heat 4 for a while and answering as many questions he could during the livestream. "I wonder how Emma's doing right now?" He thought to himself.

Emma was finishing up a novel she picked up at the library prior the quarantine. "When will this quarantine end?" She complained as Belfast was watching a Tele Novela. "Soon Emma soon so please be patient." "I'm going upstairs and hope Daniel's online so that we could hang around in Minecraft." "Fine then have fun!" Emma arrives to her room and logs onto her computer where she notices a live stream going on from his channel she then proceeds to click on the notification where she sees him answering questions. "'What am I going to do without sports for two weeks?' To answer the question I'm going to be online with my girlfriend and do some games with her until the quarantine is over." Emma then typed on the live chat. "So Daniel what's the plan once the quarantine is over?" After reading and racing around the track Daniel noticed his girlfriend's question. "Here's the question by my Girlfriend 'DecendantCV6' 'What's the plan after quarantine?' "Well my love I think we should hit the movies as long as it isn't a horror movie." Emma chuckled at his response. "Okay that's another fact about myself and it's true that I don't watch horror movies since my parents took me to watch one and I wasn't able to sleep well the entire month since I was afraid that someone will come out of the closet and will harm me!" Daniel ends up spinning on his car. "And you know what the Charlotte Roval is one of my best tracks but there are some corners here that will ultimately make me get close enough to another car and make me spin out!" Emma then kept herself entertained with Daniel's livestream until it was over and invites him for an hour of Minecraft.

One month later:
School returns to normal and Daniel and Emma ran up to their friends and talked about what they've been doing throughout the quarantine until the Bell rang in time for class where their first period teacher handed out their grades.

Emma Naomi Thompson's grades:
Math: B-
History: A+
Combat Training/Phys. Ed: A+
Science: A
Coding Translations: B+

Daniel Jones' grades:
Math: C+
History: A+
Combat Training/Phys. Ed: A-
Science: A+
Coding Translations: B

Angel Ruiz's grades:
Math: B
History: A
Combat Training/Phys. Ed: A
Science: B
Coding Translations: A+

Alexander Johnson:
Math: C-
History: B
Combat Training/Phys. Ed: A
Science: A
Coding Translations: A-

On the bottom of the grades, the four looked at a small printed message.
'Please see the Principal during after school is over and don't worry you're not in trouble.' The four looked at each other before proceeding to continue on with their classes for the entire day until they arrived at the Principal's office. "Madame Principal!" The four said as they saluted their principal when someone sitting in front of them stood up. "At ease cadets!" The cadets then stopped saluting as they stood in attention. "The reason why I asked for the four of you to come here is because of your grades." The Principal said as she gestured to the person by her desk. "I am Commander Samuel Grayson and I've been looking at your files and it's been said that the four of you never had grades below a C- which is why I had to pull some strings for your new training and transfer to another installation where you'll be the first to be part of the future of human ships." "Really but what if my prosthetic gets detached during training?" Daniel asked to the Commander. "Don't worry Cadet Jones, we've got the Training Gear where it'll keep your prosthetic leg on you." Daniel did a sigh of relief as the Commander continued on with his talk towards the four before giving them their transfer papers that was approved by the instructors from the academy.

"This new installation is in California! Man I'm really gonna enjoy living there until our graduation in a couple of months." "You won't enjoy it, believe me until I was four, I was born and raised in SoCal and on my last year there, 3 Major Earthquakes struck on July 4 and 5." "How'd you react to it?" "My mom was giving me a bath on the 5th and when two Earthquakes struck at the same time one of which was a 7.1 and I was about to run out of the bathroom until she caught me and used herself as a shield and calmly told me to stay calm as Belle came to see if we were okay a short time later." "Okay note to self 'Stay calm during an Earthquake'." Daniel said to himself as he opens the door for Emma as they got onto their car. At their homes, they each told their parents/guardians about the transfer and they were glad and worried about the new step in life even though they were ahead of their current classmates.

Author's Note: Back in July 5, 2019, I was with soap on my hair and scrubbing it while taking a shower when the 7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake struck and I immediately locked my legs onto the base of the tub and my hands on the wall to keep from slipping before walking out with a towel wrapped around myself and then Checking the News. (My hair wasn't wet enough for soap to hit my eyes when it happened.

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