Chapter 18

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After getting as many crew to help her man the Yacht, Commander Johanna Thompson arrived with her escorts Iowa and Belfast towards the spot where her niece was and noticed the unconscious Jack. "Bring him up!" She orders the two Enterprise on the water.

Moments later:
"Ugh! Where am I?" Jack said as he tried to rub his bruised head before realizing that he was cuffed as a trio of women came inside. "First of all! If you claim to be my husband then what is the Civilian name that I came up during our Wedding?" "Entonia is that really you?" He asked Enterprise as he tried to recognize her. "Jack and what about Emma's nicknames?" "We used to call her Little E or Lil' Enty since she looks like you and it's also because of her initials E.N.T. was another reason behind the nicknames." "D da dad!" Emma replied and was about to hug him when Johanna blocked her. "If you're really my brother tell me what did a dog did to you when we were walking home from school?" Jack looked at one of his hands as he used the other to rub it. "Th that Pitbull was about to jump at you aggressively and I j jumped in the way telling you to knock at a house to call the police while its owner tried to keep it from attacking me and all I remember was that it chomped off some skin and was about to bite off my hand when it was hit by a tranquilizer." "Brother why'd do you have to risk your life to save others!" Johanna said as she fought her tears inorder to hug him. "Its what I was meant to do sis, cause I couldn't let anyone lose more family or friends just like when Emma was 3 years old." Jack felt a vibration and asked Johanna to let him out but was refused. "Commander! We got an Orochi class dreadnought coming out of a portal!" Iowa reported forcing her to make the decision. "Alright Jack, Enterprise and Enty get the new guys to help you against the dreadnought." The trio nodded as Jack speaks up. "I know the weaknesses of that dreadnought when I was forced to work as a Siren so sis I might need to make some damage but I need to look like I'm chasing after the Enterprises." "Do it but if it causes my Yacht to be immobilized you're on my list!" "No promises sis and I'm sorry." "Sorry for wha-?" Jack hits his sister as he starts to 'chase' after his wife and daughter causing some destruction till he left the Yacht and dodging any artillery targeting him except from the Sirens as they were targeting the Azur Lane. Looking at Akagi, Jack shoots a  torpedo at her and said. "I need you out off the way when I get Enterprise and my child on our side." Daniel, Hornet, and Unicorn noticedthe torpedo and retreated. "What I thought-!" The torpedo hits her before she starts sinking. "I I thought you l lo loved me Stinger and If I return, you and your family will pay for this and any woman that crosses my path towards you will face the same fate!" Akagi thought to herself as the sunlight started to fade underwater.

Amagi sighed at the sight of 'Stinger' sinking her sister. "Whatever my sister planned is against Jack's plans to weaken Azur Lane because he wants Enterprise and their child on our side." "She's such a yandere thinking that she's the only one that 'Stinger' really needs as a lifelong partner." Purifier said as she gets a missile activated and ready for launch. "Now humanity will learn who's boss around the oceans and not even their new toys will be able to defend them! Hahahahahahaha!" Jack chased after the Enterprises when he looked at the Orochi class dreadnought readying a missile to which he used the powers given to him by the Sirens to give it only enough power to hit the water before turning his attention towards the Siren and Amagi who launched as many Siren jets towards the battle. "Stinger! what are your doing?" Purifier asked as she was backing up. "As the Humans would say to the Borg 'Resistance is Futile!' With his weapons, Jack pushes Purifier inside a portal he made to where the Sirens were waiting. "She's caused a lot of trouble for almost 20 human years since she doesn't like to see another battle lost and I've brought Akagi back but she'll no longer have the ability to breach into your world as for Amagi may she rest in peace once more." "Th thank you?" "You won't have enough time to destroy it cause I set a self destruct timer that will destroy all of you and all of the cityyyyy!" The Siren with her rig starts to swing Purifier as punishment for breaking the peace treaty since the Human ships were created to maintain peace around the world. Jack's rig began to glow as it's shape began to change into a B-2 bomber. Emma, Hornet, Enterprise, Belfast, Unicorn, Daniel and others looked at the man. "I need everyone to help me to this ship away now!" Everyone that was still kicking and conscious nodded and went to the front as directed by him and launched their anchors at the Orochi's bow along with his grappling hook. Everyone took off towards the Pacific Ocean as Jack was informed by the Sirens that the ship had some time before it explodes.

Iowa, Lane Victory, and Lucid were the first ones to fall back 30 miles from port. Another 30 miles later, Turner Joy, Knapp, Alaska and Atlanta were next to fall back. After 90 miles Benson, Sims and most of the Next Gen fell back leaving Belfast, Hornet, Enterprise, Daniel, Emma and Jack pulling the dreadnought before 100 miles from port Hornet was forced to let go as she ran out off breath. Daniel, Unicorn and Belfast soon follow suit after 120 miles as his prosthetic was starting to shake up and Belfast had to carry help a tired Unicorn up from a fall.

"Enterprise, Emma I think I can handle it from here." Jack said to the final two as he felt the ship was closer to exploding. "No I've just got you back so I say we must go on together." "Mom please! I know how you feel but we've started to do some stepping meaning that we must stop and let dad do it!" "Fine!" Jack lowered himself and locks lips with Enterprise before hugging his family. "Come back to us." Enterprise said as Jack nods before he continued on for a few more miles. As Jack felt that the city was safe, he tried to unlatch himself but failed to keep his promise to his family as the ship explodes killing him in the process.

Both Enterprises saw the blast and Emma was using her full power to keep her mom who's eyes were glowing yellow trying to move fast enough to dislodge herself from Emma's grasp before realizing it was to late and both collapsed onto each other's shoulders crying to the loss they just witnessed.

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