Chapter 15

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Hornet and Unicorn walked through the gate to where a pair of cadets were waiting for them. "Aunt Hornet it's been so long since I haven't seen you!" "Y'all know that I've been reassigned here a few months ago and I was mostly out on patrol searching for those Sirens." Daniel's stomach was heard by Hornet as Unicorn was talking about seeing a lot of whales and playing with dolphins during the patrol. "Looks like I'm not the only one hungry c'mon let's go get some steak and Unicorn lets tell them what happened since the last time we've seen them." "Okay!" The four then walked towards the cafeteria where Hornet ordered a Steak well done as Daniel did the same but Country fried with as Emma ordered a Teriyaki Plate with a dozen sushi and finally Unicorn had Fish and Chips. "So how's things going for you here Emma?" Hornet asked before taking a bite of her steak. "Well apparently the Base's Commander happens to be my aunt who I haven't seen since my dad's funeral." "Looks like you've got family in high places since Enterprise was the fleet's flagship, your dad was beginning his new role as a Circuit Overseer checking to see how each base was going, and your aunt is a Commander." "That's about right aunt and on the first day Daniel and an ex-cadet got into a fight and luckily for Daniel he's off the hook for defending me but as for the other guy he's been dishonorably discharged from the Academy due to his school records and witnesses." "A world without bullies is a safe civilian kid's life." "That's right Ms. Hornet and by the way Unicorn I would love to see some Dolphins so once I'm fused with a ship would you take me to see them?" Asked Daniel as Unicorn smiled with glee. "Sure would!" The four then went on to talk about other things along with Hornet talking about a ghost sailing throughout the seas saving members of Azur Lane from the Sirens to which Emma smiled which Hornet finds it odd. "Hey Emma why'd you smile at a new myth or legend?" "I have a feeling that it's my mom we're talking about." "How if your mom is dead!" "According to some of the ships, they told me about how it resembles the late Enterprise who's will is still around protecting every ship at sea." "Commander this is a very private conversation!" "At ease Hornet." Hornet calms down as she went to sit. "Emma what do you mean about the ship resembling your mom?" "The day that Daniel lost half a leg was during a training exercise onboard a ship when we were ambushed by the Sirens, I was worried about not surviving the attack and before I blacked out, a woman with a faded 6 appeared in front of me then a few times I talked to her in my dreams but that was after I stopped taking the meds the doctor prescribed me." Emma explained hiding the fact that she first saw her mom in a dream while at a hospital.

For the next month before her early graduation the next day, Emma was meditating in front of a pair of cubes that was glowing before one merged into her and the other started to float away causing her to go after it! Passing the gates towards the semi covered ships, Emma wondered why the cubes was guiding her there. Once onboard a ship, the floating cube merged with the ship completely merging Emma with it. Others from the top 10 which included Daniel and their two friends so found themselves on other ships before the intercom beeped. "Congrats! Onto your graduation cadets, due to your will and sacrifice you've managed to be part of the top 10 and if you haven't notice, there's this button by the stairs on the main entrance go there and push it!" The top 10 then heads towards the main entrance and finds the button before pressing it causing the tarp to reveal the name and registry of each ship.

Emma was surprised to see her mom's name on the ship but under the Registry of 'CVN 65' she then went on to explore her ship as the others did the same. At the Carrier's bridge she saw a plaque that was read in big letters:

USS Enterprise
CVN 65
'May History Never Forget The Name Enterprise'

Emma was in tears as she read her ship's slogan. "Not even out on a mission and the bridge is getting a mess." Emma jumps at the voice. "M mom!" Enterprise smiled at her daughter. "I know I haven't been able to talk with you since I was keeping the Sirens at bay due to the fact that they heard about a new class of ships like the one you've been connected to and I'll be around here since these 10 are the first and I don't want them to hurt you." Enterprise then disappears in a blue flame as Hornet arrives. "Who were you talking to cause it sounded like my sister?" "It was the grey ghost! She was here and said that she'll be around." "Fine and Belfast has a couple of things waiting for you."

Under cloudcover, a man smiled. "Enterprise soon you and our daughter will be together again." He then turns towards someone. "Isn't that right Purifier and this way can purify their thoughts into serving the Sirens just like myself." "Hahahahahahaha! I couldn't agree more even though they'll struggle against our will first before accepting defeat 'Stinger'!"

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