Chapter 17

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"J Ja Jack?" Enterprise said as she was mentally struggling to keep the bow locked on him as Jack smirked. "I'll be taking my leave honey and I'm taking her-." Jack said as he was about to excuse himself when a couple of bombers with a few shells hits him and dropping Enterprise's daughter to which she catches her. "No one! Not even the Sirens will take my niece and get away with it." "Glad you came in time Hornet." Hornet looks at the lady who was slowly putting Emma down and wonders. "Could she really be my sister?" How'd you know my name?" "Simple it's me Enterprise." Emma slowly regained consciousness and saw a group of people around her including her mom and boyfriend. "M mom!" She said weakly. "Its going to be alright and you need to get out all of you because its between me and my husband right here!" "Emma do you feel conscious enough to get your rigg on you and skate like you always dream of doing on water?" Daniel said as he encouraged his girlfriend. "I think so." She said as Daniel helped her up. "Stand back everyone." Emma said as she puts her arm on her shoulder and swings it out saying. "Enterprise Engage!" The everyone then jumped out and landed on the water as Blue Light appears around Emma transforming her into a sharper looking version of her own mom as she lands onto the water and skates off into battle with her family except for Enterprise.

Jack then recovers and grabs a sabre before lunging at Enterprise who immediately blocks it with her bow. "Jack st stop this right now you're not yourself." "Your wrong I am myself but even better!" The two exchanged blows until Jack found an opening causing Enterprise to yell in pain. "Jones did you hear that?" Emma asked. "Yes and its Oh No!" "What is it?" We have to go back!" "But my mom to-." "Screw the orders we might need her help to knock that person out and if he doesn't see reason we'll know it's not your dad!" "I'm coming with you cause if that's really my sister in trouble I don't want to lose her again!" Hornet said as she fixed her hat. "And it's my turn to rescue her this time." Unicorn said as she remembers the time Enterprise came in time to save her. "All right let's do it!" Emma said as she took the lead. "FOR FAMILY!" She yelled out as Daniel, Hornet and Unicorn followed her. "Alex! L.A. give us cover fire!" She said to the two subs.

"Enterprise the day that Siren came with the Tsunami, was the day I started getting a rebirth as someone else, as something else!" "That's right and with it our love will Continue to burn just as we speak our forces are catching the new kids off guard." "That's exactly right my dear." Akagi and Jack were about to kiss until someone at close range fired a series of torpedoes dropped by planes as Enterprise was struggling get up from the hit Jack gave her. "Wh what?" "Sorry for disobeying but they've insisted on helping you mom." Emma said as she helped  her mom stand up. "I never see you as a type to go against orders." "There are some orders that can be disobeyed like right now and possibly we might take them down as family." Enterprise smiled. "Good! Enty let's take care of your dad and as for the rest take care of Akagi." Everyone nodded as they followed their new orders.

Back at base Johanna was in shock at the face of the hooded Siren and passes out just as Belfast arrived with her afternoon tea. Belfast then drops the tray to grab the Commander before she hits herself on a sharp object. "Miss are you alright?" She asked as Johanna stirred awake. "My my very own brother's in league with the Sirens?" "I am not sure what you're referring to but take deep breaths this attack was unexpected." After a while Johanna stormed out of her office. "Iowa get me my armored Yacht ready also you and Belfast with provide me escort!" "Iowa didn't question her Commander's orders before doing what she's been told.

While Daniel was off fighting Akagi with Hornet and Unicorn, Emma and Enterprise were fighting Jack but were losing ground until Emma had an idea. "Mom distract him and I'll go in." "Why if you're still fresh off the docks?" "Trust me mom it might be the only way!" Emma said as she moves her bow to the left hand and with the right she grabs the sabre that was given to her by Belfast for her graduation. Enterprise begins to distract Jack as Emma was concentrating on ramming her father and when she found the opportunity, she starts to skate in his direction cutting off all the shells heading her way. "This isn't like you Old Man so Wake Up and be the Father that I remembered!" She yells out before headbutting Jack.

Somewhere else, Purifier saw what happened. "Well it's time for the main event since 'Stinger' is out of the picture." A personholdingan umbrella smiled. "The Orochi 2.0 is ready for launch I just hope 'Stinger' doesn't betray us at the last minute inorder to complete our goals to bring back Kaga." "Thank you Amagi now it's time to bring the new Orochi into battle!" Purifier exclaimed as a portal opened up.

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