Chapter 16

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Emma Naomi Thompson is codenamed Enterprise
Daniel Jones is codenamed John Paul Jones
Angel Ruiz is codenamed Los Angeles
Alexander Johnson is codenamed Alexander Hamilton (Both Alexander and Angel are nuclear subs as for Daniel his is a Destroyer and Emma is a Super Carrier)

Emma was moving across the water onboard the CVN 65 as she was catching up to her friends. Once arriving, she saw Angel dive into the water as her ship fused with her. "JPJ I'm gonna scout ahead!" "Go on ahead Los Angeles! But stay close." Los Angeles then dives underwater as she went up ahead with Alexander following her as JPJ stayed behind to wait for Emma. "Hey Enty I like your hat!" "Thanks it was my mother's and according to Belfast, it is a symbol of leadership and I'll do my best to become the leader my parents used to -." Taking out a sword, Daniel yelled out. "John Paul Jones time to fight!" Cubes appear out of the Destroyer and formed on him. "Los Angeles! Hamilton cover Enterprise now!" He said as he starts to slice of enemy fire unkown to him was a series of torpedoes were heading his direction. Someone ends up pushing him out of the way as planes left the person and lands on the torpedoes. "Are you alright?"  "Yes and thank you." The person looks up at an Aircraft Carrier to see a  hooded male in Siren gear and jumps onto the ship.

"Well well well if it isn't my most troublesome wife." He said sarcastically as Enterprise raised her bow. "Step away from my daughter!"  "Such a party pooper you are but nothing will stop me from making our dear Emma be part of us." "Why are you referring to Emma as your daughter and me as your wife!" Enterprise starts to pull back the string on her bow. The person pulled back his hooded to reveal a scarred face with glowing yellow eyes causing Enterprise to start shaking in shock. "J Ja Jack?"

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