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Skye and I stay home with our children, just spending our time as family. But despite our peace, I'm anxious about the Alpha King coming here.

Brian warned me about that, saying that the King is coming here because of me, since he got reports about my... killing spree.

I'm not worried about me, since I'm ready to take any punishment for that, but... I don't want to leave Skye and the kids alone. If the King decides that I deserve death for what I've done, then...

I shake off the painful thought, concentrating on my kids and mate. We're alone, since mom and dad went on a date and Brian is buried under paperwork in the office. I didn't even ask him for help, he himself offered to do that, saying I need to get as much time with my family as I can. The latest events proved that future is unpredictable. Anything can happen.

"Hunter, what's wrong? You're awfully quiet." Skye worriedly asks, cupping my face.

"I'm fine, my love. I was just lost in thought. – I kiss her nose – Nothing to worry about."

"What were you thinking about?" She smirks, sitting on my lap. I love how confident she became during last months. She doesn't hide from people, she speaks her mind and isn't ashamed of openly claiming me in front of anyone she suspects of trying to 'steal me', as she calls it.

"Do you really want to know?" I smirk back, putting my hand under her shirt, stroking her waist slowly.

"I guess not." She shrugs, leaning up to give me a kiss. We keep making out on the couch until our son decides he wants attention.

"You're grounded." I grumble at him, but still take Skye off my lap and take him instead. "You're always interrupting my time with mommy, little man. If you continue to do that, you won't get more siblings." I admonish him playfully, flicking his little nose. Adrian only laughs, babbling something I don't understand.

"Aww, such a daddy's boy." Skye teases, taking Stephanie into her arms.

"And little princess is mommy's girl." I tease back.

"Of course she is." Skye grins cheekily, letting Stephanie play with her teddy bear. I wanted to get them a wolf, but for some reason our kids don't like wolf toys. Which is weird, cause they're children of freaking werewolves. Then again, they don't need plush toys, when they have me, Skye and the whole pack of wolves to play with. They love taking a nap with Red and Pearl outside, curled up into my wolf's fur.

"Hey kids. – I hear Brian greet as he comes downstairs, smiling at us – Alpha King is on his way. He'll be here soon." He announces with a small frown, getting a nod from me.

"Let's go greet him then." I suggest, cradling Adrian on my arm, reaching the other one to Skye. She wordlessly takes my hand, while Brian picks up Stephanie.

We go outside, where we're met by my parents standing in front of the porch. They only glance at us, then face the driveway, where I can already hear a car approaching. He really works fast.

"Here he comes." Mom grumbles in annoyance, making dad chortle quietly. Her dislike towards Alpha King is commonly known, just as his towards mom. I don't know where it comes from, but they can't exchange more than few sentences before they're at each other's throat.

A sleek black limousine pulls up in front of us on a patch of even ground my mom and I didn't destroy. The driver gets out first then rounds the car to open the backdoor for the King, who leaves the car with an air of authority around him that no one can ignore.

No one, except for mom. She doesn't bow to anyone.

"Good afternoon everyone." Alpha King greets with no hint of emotion in his voice. Whenever I meet him, he's always so calm and collected, never showing his emotions. That's unless he argues with mom, of course.

The Hybrid (Alpha Trilogy #2)Where stories live. Discover now