Chapter 31

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"Mom!" Hunter exclaims happily and I whip my head to him so fast I almost get dizzy. Mom?

"Shh, he just fell asleep." I gasp when I recognize Luna Angel's voice.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to snap like that..." I immediately apologize, but Luna only waves me off before laying Adrian back in the crib.

"Don't worry about it. I would react the same way if some stranger had my baby in their arms." She chuckles as we leave the room. Now that I know it's Luna Angel with my kids, I don't feel as nervous.

"Yeah, about that, I barely recognized you! What's going on with your hair? And... your scent?" Hunter questions, not even hiding the confusion from his voice.

"Oh, right, I didn't have time to warn you. I had to hide my identity before coming here. There's a fight between two packs by the border and I had to go around it, but you know about Alpha Nolan's fixation with Undeads... If he got a whiff that I'm around, I'd never make it here without hurting a few wolves. Thank goddess Violet had some scent-masking spray." Luna groans in annoyance, running her fingers through her long brown hair.

"You seem stressed." I carefully say, not wanting to anger her.

"You noticed, huh? – she sighs – There's been some trouble lately..."

"What's going on, mom?" Hunter sternly asks, clearly catching onto something I don't.

"Sarah and Diana are dead. Alpha Jones from Lupin Creek found them near his border. – Luna glances at Hunter worriedly – They were killed on their way here." I recoil in shock, gasping into my hand.

"Are you sure?!" Hunter exclaims, clearly upset.

"I'm sure. The problem is, there is no way to find out who did it, their bodies were mauled beyond recognition. Jones only realized they belonged to our pack by their necklaces that Leo got for them." Luna sighs sadly.

"So that's why they never came here... You said you would send them to help, but they never arrived, so I just thought that you forgot or gave up... I didn't even think about calling you to ask about that with all that's been happening here..."

"I'm so sorry. It must be hard for you..." I quietly say, barely stopping my tears. Diana and Sarah were such nice women, they accepted me so easily and the day we spent cooking was one of the best days in my life.

"It was... It's been a while before we realized that something wasn't right and started looking for them, so you can imagine the state they were in when their bodies were finally found." I feel so bad for Luna, I know she was close with the older ladies.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Hunter sits down next to his mother and takes her hand in his.

"You have enough on your shoulders. We'll deal with it. Diana and Sarah were a part of our pack and whoever killed them will pay for that. Were there any troubles here while I was gone?"

"No, apart from little angels being born." Hunter grins, getting a smile from Luna.

"And those damn trials that my dad insisted on." I add with a huff.

"Yeah, I heard about that." Luna laughs quietly.

"The trials are the reason I called mom here. I knew we needed someone to watch over the babies while we're out."

"I called him after I arrived, but I guess he didn't tell you." I glare at Hunter when I hear this. He hid it from me!

"Sorry, love. But when mom called, you were sleeping and later we were busy with the trials."

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