Chapter 25

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It's been two weeks since mom left with Luna Caster to deal with the Undeads' attacks. But I haven't had time to worry about her with everything happening here. Skye's feeling better, but she still needs help during the day, Camilla moved to our pack to be with her mate and that Daryl guy found out that his mate is indeed Camilla's cousin. Also the Moon Howlers pack decided to tell the Werewolf Council about us refusing their deal, of course presenting themselves as victims. Brian, Adam, Kaleb and I have been dealing with the inspectors from the council for 10 days now, and it's been extremely aggravating.

After showing them the contract the Howlers sent, which for some reason differs from the one they showed the inspector in charge, the council announced we had the right to decline the offer. They also decided to punish the Moon Howlers' Alpha for fraud.

"Never in my life have I been so fucking tired." Brian sighs, plopping down onto the couch in his office. I've just put Skye to sleep, so she didn't meet the inspectors on their way out. She didn't like them and I didn't want to cause her more stress in her state.

"Yeah. But I don't fucking envy Alpha Walter. He's going to regret his decisions." I chuckle, handing Brian his glass of whiskey before sitting on the couch in front of him.

"Damn right. But don't feel bad for him. He made his bed and he has to sleep in it. I just wish my little Skye didn't have to see it all." He frowns, clearly upset about the circumstances in which the inspection took place.

The guys from the council arrived right at dawn and demanded access to all of the pack's records, then interrogated everyone in charge of the pack, Skye included. I almost ripped one guy's throat when he snarled at my mate and made her cry. Skye's been really emotional lately due to her hormones and those fuckers only made it worse by scaring her. She's still not comfortable with being alone with strangers, especially men, so when the fuckers decided to lock her in a room with the head inspector, she freaked out. The others attempted to stop me when I tried to barge into the room, so I had to break a few of their bones to get to my mate.

"I hope he gets what he deserves. Skye had a panic attack because of him. Had he not reported this to the council, she wouldn't be interrogated. Fucker put my mate and kids in danger!" I sneer.

"Yeah. – he sighs – I barely stopped myself from attacking him when I saw Skylar crying. I'm not exactly into violence and I was close to killing the guy. I don't even want to think what your mother would do if she were here. Inspector Gadget clearly caught on whose son you are." I chuckle at the nickname. Among the guys sent by the council, there was an older guy, who looked exactly like Inspector Gadget from the cartoon, especially with his hair under the hat and that awful trench coat.

"While we're at it, was there any news from my mom or Luna Caster?" I question. For the last few days I had this nagging feeling that something's not right. Mom contacted us almost a week ago, but since then there was nothing. Skye's also been asking me every day if my mother is alright. She's gotten close to my mom during their time at the mine and then back at dad's pack. She's not taking this separation well.

"No. I tried to call Ally, but no one picked up. I'm starting to think something's not right. There should be some news by now. It's been two weeks!" Brian pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration leaning his elbows on his knees. I only sigh, knowing it's no use getting further into that now. It's the middle of the night, there's nothing we can do.

I hear soft footsteps heading our way before the door opens with a quiet creak. "Love, what's wrong?" I worriedly ask, making my way to Skye as she sleepily stares at me.

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