Chapter 29

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My little prince keeps nibbling on my finger as Skye feeds Stephanie, making me smile. Someone's hungry.

After few moments he seems to get bored with just biting, instinctively pushing out his little fangs and sinking them in my hand, sucking my blood greedily. Mom told me everything about small hybrids and their craving for blood. Unlike werewolf babies, hybrids – and probably Undeads but that's unknown – already have their fangs when they're born. They stay hidden until the baby's thirsty. My mother also said it's better to feed Adrian my blood first so he doesn't hurt Skye. She laughed how I always bit too hard on her when I was feeding. Now that I think about it, I don't know whether to cringe or laugh when I think about biting my mom's breasts. I'd much rather bite Skye's.

"Stephanie just finished. Want to burp her while I feed Adrian?" Skye pulls me back from my thoughts.

"In a moment, he's still not done." I chuckle, feeling Adrian sucking on my pinky, like it's a bottle.

"He's drinking your blood?" Skye asks shocked.

"Yeah. Mom said it's better to let him drink some blood before feeding so he doesn't bite you too hard." I explain shortly, turning around to gaze at my lovely mate and daughter. Skye looks absolutely delicious in only my shirt with the top buttons undone, leaving her chest bare for me to watch, and our baby in her arms.

"I'll never understand that. Raising a hybrid seems like a tough task. Blood first, then milk. Okay." I almost laugh out loud at Skye's adorable mumble.

"You're so cute. – I grin – Ookay, looks like our prince is done with my hand." I say when Adrian finally lets go of my finger. I carry him to Skye, gently settling him in her arm before taking Stephanie and placing her on my shoulder, delicately patting her back.

Both Skye and I laugh loudly when our tiny baby releases a huge burp right before falling back asleep. "Looks like having a full tummy makes her sleepy." I quietly chuckle, adjusting Stephanie to lie in my arms, rocking her slightly.

"You're a natural." I hear Brian say from the doorway as he watches us with a small smile.

"I've been helping with my brothers since I was 10, so taking care of a baby doesn't scare me. Compared to those devils, Stephanie is an angel." I laugh, making sure to keep my voice quiet so I don't wake my sleeping beauty.

"I didn't know. No wonder you know what to do. You were made to be a father." Brian chuckles quietly, walking up to me. "Such a precious little pup. Damn, she's going to be so beautiful I'll have to keep her away from all the boys." I almost growl at the thought of some boys going after my princess in the future.

"Damn right. No juvenile boy is getting close to my little girl, that's for sure." I seriously state with pure conviction.

"Oh Goddess. Dad! Hunter! You're overreacting! The babies are still small and it'll be years before they're even remotely interested in the opposite sex. And if you two continue to act like this, I'm gonna get angry!" Skye snarls, shutting us up. Such anger is unlike her, so I give in.

"Sorry, love." I quickly apologize, not wanting to aggravate her further.

"Skye, you have no idea how those hormonal boys get-"

"Dad!" Skye snarls angrily, her eyes turning grey signaling that Pearl is close to the surface. Never poke a she-wolf with a pup.

"Okay, fine. I actually came here for a different reason, but it can wait. My grandbabies are more important." Brian shakes his head, stroking Stephanie's head as she sleeps in my arms.

"It's fine, dad, what did you need?" Skye implores from her seat on the chair, placing Adrian on her shoulder, like I did earlier with Stephanie. Luckily, Brian is standing at a good angle and doesn't get flashed Skye's goodies. They're only for me to see, that's for starters and it would be quite weird.

"It's about the trials. We were supposed to hold them soon, but with the babies and all we had to delay it. Some of the new pack members are getting antsy and keep asking when will the ceremony finally happen..." I sigh. Trials. I completely forgot about it.

"We can do it whenever. – I shrug – But preferably in the evening after the babies fall asleep." I suggest.

"Is tomorrow okay?" I only nod in response, laying Stephanie in her crib, then carefully take Adrian from Skye and lay him beside his sister, smiling when they immediately hug each other tightly. Looks like our little ones like to sleep after eating.

"I'll arrange it and let you know about the details. Get some rest kids. See you tomorrow." Brian informs and leaves the room.

"Come on, love, let's go to bed." I pick Skye bridal style, but she stops me from walking out of the nursery.

"What about the babies? What if they wake up? We won't hear them, you know the walls are soundproof." She worriedly says with a deep frown etched on her gorgeous face.

"Don't worry, my love. I'll hear them. The walls may be soundproof to everyone, but the nursery and our bedroom are not separated the same way. I'll know if they wake up." I assure, carrying my mate back to our bedroom. She seems tired and needs rest.

"If you say so." She sighs, leaning against my chest.

I place Skye on our bed, then go to the bathroom to prepare a bath for her. A nice hot bath would help her relax. I pour her favorite vanilla-scented gel and light few berry-scented candles to light up the room.

"What is all this?"

"You shouldn't walk yet!" I admonish, immediately coming up to her and picking her up. She's still not healed yet, what if she starts bleeding again?!

"I'll be fine. You're overreacting." Skye whines, but doesn't fight me.

"I'm not. I just don't want you in pain." I say, giving her a kiss.

Without further ado, I undress us both and get in the bathtub, setting my little mate in front of me. With slow and gentle moves, I wash her soft skin, using the coral-colored loofa Skye likes so much, before taking care of her hair. I love playing with her long chocolate strands. They curl so beautifully when they're dry I just want to run my fingers through them endlessly.

"Why are you so obsessed with my hair?" Skye curiously asks after I rinse out the shampoo.

"Because I love your hair. I also love your eyes. And your body. And most of all, your pure soul." I confess.

"I love you too." She turns around and gently cups my face, pulling me in for a deep kiss.

"My little Skye."

"Yours. Only yours."

The Hybrid (Alpha Trilogy #2)Where stories live. Discover now