Chapter 19

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My 'dad' spends few days with us, of course with Alpha and Luna's permission. He tried to spend every minute with me to make up for the lost time, but it only made me feel trapped and uncomfortable.

It's not that I'm not happy to find out that the man who'd been hurting me my whole life was not my father, but I don't feel anything towards Brian. I've never met the man, I don't feel the bond he spoke of, I don't have any kind of connection with him.

Hunter and Red have been my biggest support during this difficult time. I will be forever grateful for them. They understand my apprehension about getting close to my father, they feel my uneasiness, but at the same time they don't try to shield me from the inevitable, instead encouraging me to spend time with Brian and get to know him.

Today my 'dad' and I are going to join the training with Luna and Hunter. I was surprised at first when I heard that Hunter is going to train with his mother separately, since he already trains every day.

"Skye, baby, you ok in there?" Hunter calls out from outside the bathroom, where I'm mentally preparing myself to face my dad again. He makes me really uneasy, but every day I get a little more comfortable with him.

"I'm fine." I walk out the bathroom, only to see worried Hunter anxiously waiting for me.

"Everything will be okay, baby." Hunter soothes when I wrap my arms tightly around his waist, burying my face in his bare chest, inhaling his scent.

"I know. I'm just nervous." I confess quietly.

"That's understandable. The last few days have been really hard on you, my love. – Hunter strokes my hair comfortingly – But I'm right here with you. You don't have to deal with this on your own, you have me to lean on." He presses a kiss to my head and I finally relax.

Hunter and I walk hand-in-hand to the training area, where Luna and my dad are already waiting. The two guys dad brought with him are there, too. He introduced them as his Gamma and Delta, explaining how his Beta had to stay in Canada to manage the pack during his absence.

My amazing tried to carry me all the way to the clearing, like always, but I managed to convince him to let me walk. It would be embarrassing to be carried around like a toddler in front of strangers. I don't mind him and Red doing that in front of the pack, since Alpha and Luna do the same, but my dad doesn't know about their habits and would probably find it weird.

"Skylar!" My dad exclaims happily when he sees me. It always surprises me how his whole demeanor changes when I'm near. His face lightens up with a adoring smile, his eyes crinkle in happiness and his whole body seems to relax at the mere sight of me. Even his Gamma and Delta appear more at ease when I'm around.

"Good morning." I quietly greet, still feeling shy.

After exchanging few pleasantries with my dad, Luna, Hunter and the two wolves from dad's pack, I go to the edge of the clearing and watch in amazement as Hunter gorgeous golden and silver eyes turn red, indicating his wolf is in charge now.

"Are you happy?" Dad suddenly asks as we watch Luna and Red train. I detect uncertainty in his voice and, for some reason, it tugs at my heartstrings.

"I am. – I state with pure conviction in my voice – Both Hunter and Red are really loving, they helped me heal from the pain I went through and get over my fears. I love them more than life itself." I confess, gazing at my mate lovingly.

"I can see your mate's good for you. I always hoped my little girl would find someone who could make her happy. I'm glad you did. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, I would never let any harm come your way." Dad unexpectedly pulls me into his arms, hugging me tightly. At first I tense up, uncomfortable about being touched by a man other than my mate, but dad's familiar scent soon makes me relax and melt in his embrace.

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