Chapter 36

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I've been overseeing the warriors' training for few hours now, assessing their abilities to see who'll be the most useful in the upcoming war with those rogues my mom warned me about. She didn't say much else, since she didn't want to stir anything, but her message was clear.

The rogues' alpha wants a hybrid. He has this sick obsession about them, according to what my mom and Aiden and Asher found out. He wants an army and my kids are the best way for him to get it. Especially Adrian, since he carries the undead gene, while Stephanie is a pure werewolf. At least we think so, cause she hasn't shown any signs of being a hybrid. Though she might be just a late bloomer. I guess time will tell.

But still, no matter what, that rogue alpha will never touch them. I'd sooner die than have someone hurt my babies. I'll kill everyone that as much as tries to hurt my mate, my children or my pack. I don't care how many of them will come or how strong will they be – no one is taking my family from me. Over my dead body.

That's why I need the warriors to be at their best. We need to be ready for everything. We don't know when the rogues will attack and any weakness can be deadly. The pack's safety depends on this, so there's no time to be lenient with the training.

"Hello." I feel Skye's arms wrap themselves around me as she snuggles into my back.

"Good morning, love." I turn around, pulling her into my embrace and kissing her head.

"It's time for breakfast. I already fed the babies and they're taking a nap. You've been here since dawn, so how about a break?" Skye gives me a hopeful look, squeezing her arms tighter around my waist.

"Oh yeah? – I smirk – I am a bit hungry, yeah, but not for food..." I lean down to give her a deep kiss, completely ignoring the whispers and whistles behind me. "Let's go, I need my breakfast." I whisper hotly into Skye's ear, biting on it lightly, enjoying her little gasp as she gets what I mean.

I dismiss the warriors before picking Skye up and throwing her over my shoulder, laughing when she giggles happily. She keeps wiggling her legs as I carry her home, greeting every pack member with a giggle, getting laughter in response as they greet back.

It's amazing to see her so happy after everything she went through and I love her carefree attitude, especially with this whole rogue situation. She knows she's safe with me and the pack. Her trust in me is extremely heart-warming and I will never let her down.

"Hunter!" Skye cutely squeaks when I throw her on the bed, instantly hovering over her and taking my sweet time exploring her body with my mouth. Red is snarling in my head to just rip off her clothes and devour her, and for once I agree with him.

"Try to keep quiet, my love, or the kids will wake up." I tease before quickly undressing her.

Skye keeps biting her lip to stop the sounds of pleasure from escaping, while I slowly enjoy my meal. I take my time, teasing her to the brink of climax a few times, chuckling when she snarls at me to not stop. It takes me a while to get my fill, so when I'm finally done, Skye is barely conscious, completely exhausted.

"Did I tire you out?" I mockingly ask, pulling her into my arms as I lie beside her.

"You are insatiable. I can't even move!" I laugh at the annoyed tone of Skye's voice, getting a half-hearted glare in response before she bursts in a fit of laughter, snuggling into my side.

"What's so funny?" I decide to ask.

"When I said that breakfast is ready, I didn't mean me." She giggles, throwing her arm over my chest. "But I still enjoyed it." She shyly adds, leaning up to give me a short kiss.

"I'll always choose to eat you instead of food." I state seriously, kissing her head.

We stay in bed for the next few hours, cuddling and enjoying the peace while it lasts. Skye has been stressed over those rogues ever since that call from my mom, but she's been hiding it from everyone, including her father.

Though I get a feeling that he knows what's going on. I don't believe my mother didn't tell him, considering how close they got.

Our little moment is disrupted by Adrian's loud cry. "Guess our little prince is hungry." I chuckle, immediately recognizing the tone of Adrian's voice. He cries differently when he's hungry than when he needs to be carried or have his diaper changed. I learned to recognize all of his needs just by his cries. Brian calls is a 'dad instinct'.

"I'll go feed him. – I get up, kissing Skye's head – Don't leave the bed. I feel like I'll need a snack when I come back." I watch amused as redness spreads over my mate's cheeks as she hides her face with the blanket.

Not bothering to put on anything but some jeans, I go to the nursery, where Adrian is screaming his lungs out, reaching out with his hands.

"Hello, my little prince. – I coo at him, picking him up from the crib – Hungry, aren't you? It's okay, daddy's here." I give him my index finger, sitting on the rocking chair in the corner as he sucks my blood, rocking us slightly. Stephanie's still asleep, despite her brother's loud screaming, which can wake up the whole house. She's as much of a heavy sleeper as Liam, and that's saying something. When my brother goes to sleep, he's like a hibernating bear. Nothing can wake him up.

I keep rocking us in the chair, humming quietly as my son feeds himself with my finger, sucking greedily. I watch with adoring smile as his eyes slowly start drooping, meaning he'll get full soon. He's always sleepy after getting fed; it's like an automatic reaction.

"Okay, my little prince, I think that's enough for now." I pull my finger out of his tiny maw, ignoring his angry shriek that sounds more like a hissing kitten than a wolf pup. "Now, now, don't get cranky, little one. You'll get sick if I give you more." I cradle him to my shoulder to let him burp, then once he does, I lay him back in the crib, chortling when he instantly pulls Stephanie into his arms. I'll never get over how protective he is over her.

Kissing both Adrian's and Stephanie's heads, I quietly tell them I love them, then leave the nursery, heading straight to the bedroom, where my mate is waiting for me, hopefully still naked.

"I'm back, my love." I announce from the doorway, smirking at Skye's cute blushing face. "And I'm ravenous."

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