Chapter 32

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Skye is playing with the babies on the couch, while I'm working at my desk. When the construction team came to repair the wall my mom broke when she fought against that Undead guy, I told them to adjust the office to fit a small playroom for the kids there. Brian was surprised, but I only waved it off, saying I want to be close to my babies as often as possible, since the earliest years are the most important for establishing a bond between them and me. Skye didn't say anything, but glared at Brian for questioning me. I almost laughed at her angry scowl. She looks like an angry puppy when she's mad.

"I think Adrian's hungry again." Skye speaks out, pulling me from the papers in front of me. "He keeps nipping at my fingers." I chuckle at the cute confused look on her face as she walks towards me. I'm already expecting Adrian to start crying the farther he gets from his sister, but he's calm for once, only staring at me sleepily with his silver eyes. While Adrian inherited the silver eyes from my undead side, Stephanie has Skye's chocolate brown eyes, along with her hair. Adrian, though, has a midnight black hair, like me and my father. Damn, he's going to be handsome when he grows up.

"My little prince is insatiable, isn't he?" I coo at my son, cradling him in my arms, while Skye goes back to Stephanie and takes her into her arms. I get up from behind the desk and go to my mate and daughter while feeding my son. After getting some blood from my mother, his insatiable hunger settled down a bit, which only proves that Undead's blood is indeed more nutritional.

"Where did dad and Luna go? I haven't seen them all day..." Skye keeps Stephanie in her arms, cradling her to her chest, lulling her to sleep.

"They went to meet with Alpha Jones of the pack at the border. Mom wants to investigate Diana's and Sarah's death and once she gets some more info, she'll tell me and I'll take over the case. But now that your father denounced his title, I'm buried under paperwork." I finish with a grumble, rolling my eyes. Brian sure fucked me over. I didn't expect him to give up his position so quickly, I thought he would give me some more time to get used to everything...

"Why did both of them go?" Skye implores curiously, turning her head to stare at me.

"Because that Alpha knows Brian, but not my mom. If she suddenly turned up on his pack's border, he could lose a few wolves if they attacked her." I explain shortly, chuckling.

"Oh... Well, that would be bad." I almost laugh. Bad is an understatement.

"Yeah, it would." I nod.

We stay in the office, just taking care of our pups and spending time as family. Our peaceful time is interrupted by a knock on the door, as Adam enters the room.

"Alpha, there is an older couple at the border, asking for entrance. They want to see you. They said they're seeking refuge." He informs with a slight frown.

"Bring them in but don't leave them alone. I want three guards to watch them, but don't let the couple see them. I want to see what they'll do." I order and Adam leaves. Turning to Skye, I see her already watching me with a sad expression before sighing quietly.

"Guess you have to leave..." She sadly says, leaning her head on my shoulder. I press a kiss to the top of her head reassuringly.

"I'll be quick, my love. Then we can put the babies to sleep and have some time alone." I promise huskily, whispering into Skye's ear, nipping at it teasingly before laying Adrian on the couch next to his sister and leaving the office.

As I walk towards the front of the house to greet the 'guests', I wonder how my mom and Brian are doing.


We reach Alpha Jones's pack quite fast, with no interruptions. Thea is more restless the closer we get to the pack, clearly distressed about the death of her pack members. Apparently Leo threw a huge fit and wanted to declare war against Lupin Creek, which could be disastrous. Thea said it took a long while to calm him down. He liked how close they were to his mate, and they'd been the oldest pack members that aided the pack with their extensive knowledge and experience.

"Alpha Davis. Luna Kingston. – the patrol guarding the border bow in greeting – The Alpha is awaiting you." With that they turn around and lead us towards the Alpha's house. Thea glances at me questioningly and I smile at her.

"I called Jones and warned him about our visit." I clarify.

Thea only nods, staying quiet. I noticed how cautious she is, sneakily checking our surroundings all the time. I guess it's a habit of hers, so I don't bother asking.

"Welcome in Lupin Creek. I'm Nathan Jones, this is my mate, Katherine. And that is my Beta, Zion." Alpha Jones greets us – well, mostly Thea - from outside his house, keeping his mate snuggled into his side while his beta stands slightly behind them.

"Thea Kingston. Luna of Dark Moon pack." She greets him back, her friendly disposition disappearing, leaving a stern and business-like woman behind. It always astounds me how quickly she changes, adjusting to the situation.

"I know, Brian told me about you. Why don't we head to my office to talk?" Nathan suggests.

"Maybe later, I would like to take a look at the scene where you found my pack members." Thea states, surprising the three in front of us. I almost laugh. Guess they expected me to be in charge of this situation. Not every Luna is taking care of the pack the way Thea is.

"It's been a while. I'm not sure what you expect to find there." Nathan hesitantly says with a frown on his face.

"If there's anyone that can find something there, it's her." I add, slightly enjoying the dumbstruck expressions on our hosts' faces.

"Very well then. – Nathan sighs before turning to his mate – Why don't you wait for me here, love? I don't want you to see that." He quietly speaks to his mate, caressing her face.

"No, I'll go too. I don't want to stay behind." I barely stop myself from laughing at the face Nathan makes at his mate's tone.

"Okay. You know I can't say no to you." Nathan sighs, kissing her head, before gesturing at us to follow him.

We walk for a while to the border where Thea's pack members were found, but when we're a bit over a mile from there, Thea goes rigid beside me. I stop walking, turning to her worriedly, only to see her eyes flashing between red and silver as she stares into the distance, shaking in barely restrained fury. I notice Nathan pull his mate away from us a little, but I don't say anything.

"Thea? What's wr-" I'm cut off when Thea suddenly snarls and disappears, using her speed to get away. SHIT!

I rush after her, relying only on her scent to find her, ignoring the three wolves behind me. What we find when we finally reach her stops me right in my tracks. Thea is furiously snarling, pacing around the pool of blood on the ground, occasionally sniffing the air. She's found something.

"Thea?" I carefully say, staying slightly away from her. I've never seen anyone look as feral as she does right now.

"Luna Kingston?" I hear Katherine quietly ask, sounding worried.

Thea takes a few moments to calm down, shutting her eyes tightly, clenching her fists as she tries to reign in her fury. She suddenly screams in agony, punching the tree closest to her, breaking it with one hit. Shit, Hunter should've come here, maybe he would be able to calm his mother down.

"FUUUCK!!!" She roars before disappearing again.

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