Chapter 27

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Right after my mother leaves, two warriors enter the house to get the Undead guy out. I'm guessing they saw mom fight against him.

"Alpha, what should we do with the body?" They question. I don't say anything, assuming they're talking to Brian, but when I catch their imploring looks I realize they're asking me.

"Burn it. Then tell the border patrols to look for others. It's possible he wasn't the only one that managed to get onto the territory." The warriors nod firmly and drag the dead body out.

"I'll call Luna Caster." Brian informs us before retreating to the office.

I catch Skye's gaze, my heart almost breaking at the sad look on her face. She got really close to my mom, so losing her so suddenly must feel horrible. I know I feel bad about her leaving.

"It's okay, my love. I'll take care of you. Everything will be fine." I assure Skye, pulling her gently into my arms, pressing a kiss to her head.

"What do I do now? I don't know how to-"

"Shh, it's okay. Don't be scared. I'm here with you."

"Please don't leave me! – Skye sobs into my chest – I can't do this alone!" She cries out, clutching onto me with sheer desperation. Damn. Those hormones are sure going crazy.

"I'll never leave you, my love. You're mine as I am yours. For eternity." I sternly tell her pulling her face away from my chest and cupping her cheeks, making her tilt her head to look me in the eye.

"Never?" Does she really have to ask?

"Never." I swear, sealing my words with a deep kiss.

"Good. Because if you do..." Skye trails off warningly. Her mood swings will give me a whiplash one day, I swear.

"I won't. Don't worry that beautiful head of yours over this. The mere idea of leaving you is abhorrent to me." I bury my face in her hair, inhaling her sweet scent deeply.

We stay wrapped in each other's arms for few minutes, until Beta Ruby breaks the silence.

"Alpha, I hate to disturb you, but what are you going to do about the house?"

"I'll call the construction company tomorrow, so they'll fix it. Don't worry, the owner knows about us so he won't say anything." I hear Brian say as he walks into the room.

"Okay then." Ruby shrugs and leaves.

I only nod at Brian then lead Skye back to the kitchen to make her something to eat. Because of the situation with my mom, she skipped breakfast, so I know she must be hungry.

I pick her up and help her sit at the island then prepare her food. Skye doesn't say anything, still upset about this whole situation and I know she's not in the mood to talk right now, so I don't push her. I'm just as sad as she is, if not more. It's my mom. A person I could count on my whole life, a person that understands me the most, the person that knew how difficult it was for me to get used to all that strength that comes with being a hybrid.

The person I loved the most in the whole world.

But even though I don't like it, I understand why she left. She must've felt that both me and Skye are old enough to be on our own. That she needs to step back to give us room to grow, to become the best versions of ourselves. To become the Alpha and Luna this pack deserves. Not everyone can be like her and she probably understood that Skye will never become like the 'Beast'. No one can be... her.

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