Chapter 37

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After an exhausting morning with Hunter, I get ready for my training with Ruby. Hunter still doesn't know that she's training me, but I get a feeling he wouldn't agree to this. He's extremely overprotective and even mentioning something remotely dangerous sends him into frenzy.

"Okay, Luna, today we're going to work with your wolf. Would you mind shifting?" Ruby politely asks.

"I told you to talk comfortably. It feels weird to have you talk so... officially to me." I reprimand quietly, taking off my clothes behind a tree, shifting into my white wolf.

'Ready, little human?' Pearl asks in my head, smirking smugly.

'Ready. Let's show her what we're made of.' I smirk back, feeling giddy at the prospect of proving how effective my training was.

'A bit of feisty and a whole load of cuteness. That's what Red says.' I frown in confusion for a moment but then end up giggling when I get what she means. Red always calls me and Pearl cute when we're in wolf form, and apparently my feisty wolf doesn't mind it. She loves it.

'Of course I do. If my mate thinks I'm cute then I'm going to be the cutest wolf he's ever seen.' Pearl states smugly, retreating to the back of my mind.

"Okay, Luna. Sorry, I mean Skye. – she corrects herself when I glare at her – Let's go for a run as a warm-up then we'll start the training, okay?" Ruby undresses when I give her a nod, then shifts into her gorgeous dark brown wolf, towering over my measly self completely. Despite the amount of training I got with Luna Angel and Ruby, my wolf form is still really small.

'AND CUTE! Don't forget we're cute!' Pearl huffs indignantly before hiding again.

I shake my head at her. Nothing else matters to her but the fact that Red and Hunter call us 'cute'. Unbelievable.

'Okay, 10-mile run. Let's go!' Ruby mind-links me, jogging away with a happy skip in her step. She's extremely happy lately and I'm curious as to why.

'What got you in such a happy mood?' I decide to ask as we get near the lake, where we usually take a break. This is how all of our runs go – we go to the lake, take a break there then run back to the training grounds. The distance to and from the lake is over 20 miles, so that's quite an intense warm-up for someone as unfit as me.

'Oh, you noticed? Okay, I'm going to tell you, just don't say anything to anyone yet.' She grins wolfishly at me and I can just feel the happiness from her.

'You have my word.' I promise, wagging my tail in anticipation to hear the news.

'I'm pregnant.' I actually squeal happily when I hear this, jumping like an excited puppy. This is such great news!

'Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!' I jump on her, nuzzling my head into her fur and nudging her gently with my body. I lie down next to her on the grass and we stare quietly at the lake. It's so serene in here.

'Thank you, Skye. I haven't told Sasha yet, so please don't mention it to anyone.'

'I gave you my word, didn't I? No worries, I won't tell anyone.' I nudge my head against hers.

We stay like that for a few moments, until Ruby suddenly goes rigid beside me. 'Skye, stay behind me! We're not alone!' She gets up, standing over me protectively just when a bunch of wolves walks out of the woods, snarling at us.

'I need to tell Hunter. They're not pack.' I whimper quietly seeing even more of those wolves coming towards us.

'Okay. I'll try to distract them.' I immediately growl at her, biting onto her front leg slightly.

'NO! Ruby, no! You're pregnant! I can't let you risk the baby!!!' I snarl through the mind-link crawling from underneath her, facing the rogues in front of us.

'Hunter! There are rogues by the lake. I'm with Ruby but we're heavily outnumbered!' I link my mate, trying my hardest to not let the panic into my voice.

'WHAT?! FUCK! I'll be right there!' Hunter's panicked tone tugs at my heartstrings, while Pearl whimpers in my head. We've made our mate worried. Again.

'Hunter's coming.' I relay the message to Ruby, still staring at the rogues. They haven't moved at all, staying out of our reach, just growling and snarling our way threateningly.

Suddenly one of the rogues shifts, not even bothering putting on any clothes, not that there're any clothes available, then turns to me, completely ignoring Ruby.

"So you're that hybrid's mate... Quite tiny. Harmless." He smirks evilly, giving me a once over. I only respond with a growl, letting Pearl's fury show.

"Cute. You don't intimidate me, little wolf. I'm only here to get the job done. – he laughs manically, before glancing behind him – And it seems the plan worked." He finishes with a gleeful grin, shifting back into his ugly wolf.

I don't even have time to ponder over his words as he and the other rogues attack me and Ruby. As I'm fighting against one of them, I'm suddenly picked up by my scruff and thrown away, hitting something hard with my head.

Then everything goes black.


I push myself to the limit as I run towards the lake where my mate is. The distress in her voice as she linked us still resounds in my mind, fueling my rage. No one who scares my mate will get away with it!

I ignore the horde of warriors following me, concentrated on my little mate, who's probably terrified right now. When I'm close enough, I catch the sight of almost 20 rogues surrounding Skye and Ruby. I rip through them with pure fury, killing each and every one that's in my way with ease.

I notice Skye struggles as she fights one of the rogues before she's thrown into a huge rock few yards away. The amount of blood pouring from her head as she lies unconscious stops my heart from beating.


My little Skye.


I release a growl that shakes the earth then attack the rogue who hurt my mate, ripping him into shreds with my bare teeth, while the pack warriors detain the rogues I didn't kill. The rogue beneath me turns into a bloody mess, but I'm nowhere near satisfied. The sound of someone laughing behind me catches my attention and I turn to them with a deadly glare, feeling my blood heat up at the audacity of the fucker.

Deciding to not give in to my fury yet, I shift, facing the guy who's still cackling like a madman, already in human form.

"What's funny, rogue?" I growl lowly, barely restraining myself from killing his as I pick my unconscious mate from the ground, my heart breaking at the feel of her limp body in my arms.

"It worked. Just like our Alpha knew it would. You're so predictable!" He laughs like a maniac, then retracts his claws and slices his throat open, killing himself before any of the warriors can stop him.

It worked.





I stare wide-eyed at the dead bodies in front of me for few seconds as the rogues words finally register and I feel the bond with my babies sever, making me release a desperate howl that I'm sure the whole pack can hear.


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