Chapter 39

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I lie on the table, completely drained, but already awake. I don't know how many times I had my blood drained, cause whenever I'm healed, it all starts all over again. Even Red retreated to the back of my mind, too weak to stay with me. That fucker Armstrong knows that slicing my throat won't kill me; he fought against Undeads before with my mother, so he knows the weaknesses and strengths of one. Which means he can keep doing the same thing over and over again without killing me.


"Awake already? Impressive." I only growl at him in response as he saunters around the table I'm on. "No need to get so angry now, is there? – he mocks – I'm just checking up on my blood bag. It's been a while and you're still alive. As expected from the Beast's son. Do you know why I didn't go after her instead of you? You don't? I didn't tell you? – as usual, Armstrong starts his weird tale of how he's amazed with my mother's abilities and the Undeads – Well, I didn't go after your mother, because she's way too strong for me. She's a born Undead and her strength is incomparable with anyone else. She's stronger than you and silver binds wouldn't work against her. You, though, are half werewolf, so I can keep you tied up like this. You must be wondering how I know all that. It's simple really, when we fought against that facility boss 25 years ago with your mother, she and the Deads taught us everything. After seeing her in action on the battlefield, I was enamored with the concept of immortality and power. And to think I had to wait 25 years to finally get closer to my goal..."

I tug at the restraints, but it doesn't really do anything except making that son of a bitch tut at me disapprovingly. "Come on now. I know you don't want to hear me talk about your dear mother, but you just have to suck it up. You know you can't get out of this."

"I will fucking kill you!" I growl, coughing slightly when I realize how dry my throat is.

"Maybe. But by then my warriors will be ready. I already gave some of them your blood and I must say, the results are more than satisfying. The strength, the speed, the agility! Such power and it all comes from your blood. Amazing. However, in my haste I forgot to do something which might hinder my plan. Your mate's mark." I feel my eyes widen slightly at this before glaring at the man with pure hatred.

"Oh, don't you worry, we'll get rid of that so you won't feel that useless bond again. It will make everything easier." He chuckles in amusement, trailing his fingers over Pearl's bite mark.

I feel someone gag me then wrap some belt over my head and locking it to the table, keeping my head steady. I will fucking destroy them! They better not touch my mark!

"Here we go, alpha." Armstrong laughs crazily before I yell in pain as he burns my mark off.


My mind is hazy, but I can hear some faint voices around me, talking in worried hushed tone about something I can't really make out.

But then a searing pain spreads through my whole body, waking each and every cell of it with unbearable force. I wake up with a scream, clutching onto my neck with my hands, as if it could stop the agony I'm feeling as my body arcs and writhes.

"Shit! Skye! Skylar! What's wrong? Skye!! Baby, please!" I hear dad's frantic voice, but it's like he's far away. My ears are ringing because of the burning pain I'm feeling and I can't concentrate on anything else. There are hands keeping me steady as I thrash around, screaming my lungs out.

Then it stops.

"Skye. – dad worriedly says, cupping my tear-stricken cheek – Skye, baby, talk to me."

"Dad..." I croak, my voice almost completely gone. I struggle to open my eyes, and when I finally manage to do that, I'm met by the blurry sight of my dad crying as he sits beside me on the bed.

"Oh goddess, Skye. – dad sighs in relief, pulling me into his arms – I was so scared I'd lose you." He cries, keeping me in a tight hug. It doesn't alleviate the pain, but it's still comforting.

"What happened? The rogues..." I whimper as I think of the attack.

"Shh, don't think about it. – dad shushes me gently, pressing a kiss to my head – The rogues were dealt with and those that stayed alive are kept in the cells."

"It hurts." I cry out, clutching onto my dad desperately.

"I know baby, I know." I feel dad's tears fall on my head and it breaks my heart. "Your mark... Someone burned it off." A gut-wrenching sob escapes me as I cry into my dad's chest. Someone burned off my mate's mark!

The pain in my heart is incomprehensible; I feel broken, incomplete. It's like someone ripped my soul apart.

"Where's Hunter?" I cry out after a while.

"He's gone after the rogues. The kids were brought back here few hours after he left but... he hasn't returned yet." Dad whispers, getting a startled gasp from me. Hunter's gone!

"H-how long?"

"You've been unconscious for almost a week. I called Thea to help with Adrian... He wasn't doing well without blood." Dad sighs sadly.

My son is not well. I have to get him. "Hey, hey, don't move yet." Dad admonishes when I leave his embrace to get up.

"I need to get to the kids. They need their mother!" I cry out, stumbling when I take my first step. Thankfully, dad is there to catch me. He supports me all the way to the nursery, understanding my need to see my babies.

When we finally reach the room, we're met by a sight that renders me speechless.

Luna Angel is feeding Adrian her blood, crying. I've never seen her so worried, so broken. If she's this hurt, then this must be worse than I thought.

"I left some of my blood with the doctor, so you can feed him while I'm gone." She quietly says, her voice breaking.

I walk up to her as she lays Adrian in the crib, gently grasping her shirt. She's always treated me like her own child and I can't hide this from her. "I-I lost my mark! Someone burned it off!" I cry out, getting pulled into a motherly hug. "I can't feel the bond! I can't feel Hunter!!!" I sob loudly.

"I know. I smelled it." Luna shakily breathes out, as distressed about losing her son as I am about losing my mate. "I'm going to look for him. I'll find him. I'll bring him back. But you need to take care of yourself, okay?" I nod against her, squeezing her in my arms.

"Don't leave!" I wail in despair. I need her!

Luna gently pulls me away from her, but doesn't let me go completely, cupping my face. "Skye, you know you're like a daughter to me and I would love to be here to help you through this, but I can't. My son is strong, I know that the best, so if someone could go as far as burning your mark off, that means he couldn't stop them." Luna explains patiently, getting a slow nod from me in response.

"He's hurt."

"That's what I think. So please be patient. You're a Luna now, and a mother. I know it may sound harsh, but you need to pull yourself together. I need you to be strong. Promise me you'll be strong." She sternly demands, staring straight into my watery eyes.

I sniff, wiping the moisture from my face and give her the best determined look I can muster. "I'm the Luna of this pack. And I will not let them down." I swear, making sure to let Luna Angel see my sincerity.

"Good. I'll leave Aiden and Asher here. They'll help with the pack's protection. Those rogues really did a number on you." Luna addresses my dad, while I hug her. She pats my head reassuringly then squeezes me one last time before leaving my arms.

"I'll be back" are her last words as she leaves us.

"Be careful, mom." I whisper after her, noticing dad's proud but sad smile.

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